Hope for Hulu?

Updated on Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Hope for Hulu?

Probably not.

I tore into Hulu last year for the miserable user experience, dreary ads and vanishing content.

Back then I estimated that Hulu could ditch the ads for another $6 a month. TechCrunch is reporting today (via the Wall Street Journal) that Hulu is considering an ad free tier for $12-$14 a month. $14 would be a $6 bump over current pricing. If they can fix the UX as well I'll be back in. And I still want my OTT TiVo.


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(Published to the Fediverse as: Hope for Hulu? #etc #hulu #tivo #ott I nailed the cost of an ad-free Hulu experience, but it's still the one streaming service I'll never pay for. )

Doyle Drive: Before and After

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Doyle Drive: Before and After

Doyle Drive: Before and After

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Pinnacles National Park

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015

Pinnacles National Park

Pinnacles National Park

Pinnacles National Park

Pinnacles is the newest National Park which features various hikes to Talus Caves (formed by rockfalls into a valley) which are fun to scramble through as long as you don't think about the formation process while you do it.

Hike starts at 36.4943003, -121.173081 (Google Earth).

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Zeno's Watermelon

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015

Zeno's Watermelon

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