June Gloom

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022.

Gloomy cloud over the French Chateau Sanatorium

A relatively pleasant Sunday in San Francisco, which means the second you turn your back fog and low cloud are going to swoop in:

The first part of the video is looking west toward the ocean. Once any trace of blue is obliterated we turn south to see fog rolling over San Pedro Mountain near Pacifica and increasingly gloomy cloud cover over the French Chateau Sanatorium (which I think of as the West Portal Retirement Castle). This is a deeply strange building, nestled in a hollow and surrounded by trees. Most of the time you don't see it and then suddenly, on the right street at the right angle you're startled to realize that there is a massive chateau hiding in the neighborhood.

If you're in the mood for more West Portal oriented time lapse enjoy: West of West PortalWest Portal Mosaic TimelapseWest Portal Timelapse of Timelapses and Spherical Sunset.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: June Gloom #timelapse #4k #sanfrancisco #westportal #video Timelapse of fog and low cloud over West Portal in San Francisco, featuring views towards the Pacific Ocean and the deeply strange French Chateau Sanatorium. )

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