Autumnal Equinox 2017

Updated on Saturday, August 21, 2021

Autumnal (fall) equinox 2017 rendered in Catfood Earth.

Autumn/Fall starts now in the Northern Hemisphere. Springtime for the hemispherically challenged. Rendered in Catfood Earth (Windows, Android live wallpaper).

(Previously, Previously, Previously, Previously)

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Autumnal Equinox 2017 #code #earth #equinox #autumnal Autumnal (fall) equinox 2017. Autumn begins in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Image rendered in Catfood Earth. )

San Francisco Street Tree Datalapse

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

San Francisco Street Tree Datalapse

A datalapse video of San Francisco street trees:

City elevation contours and street tree database  from DataSF. I included all trees with a latitude, longitude and known planting date. On the visualization trees grow over 25 years to a generally exaggerated 25 meters radius. Each species of tree is assigned a random color.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: San Francisco Street Tree Datalapse #etc #datalapse #sanfrancisco #trees #video Animation of all the known trees in San Francisco (from Data SF). )

Book reviews for August 2017

Empire Games (Empire Games #1) by Charles Stross

Empire Games (Empire Games #1) by Charles Stross



The Delirium Brief (Laundry Files, #8) by Charles Stross

The Delirium Brief (Laundry Files, #8) by Charles Stross



The Thirst (Harry Hole #11) by Jo Nesbø

The Thirst (Harry Hole #11) by Jo Nesbø



The Revolution Trade (The Merchant Princes, #5-6) by Charles Stross

The Revolution Trade (The Merchant Princes, #5-6) by Charles Stross



The Traders' War (The Merchant Princes, #3-4) by Charles Stross

The Traders' War (The Merchant Princes, #3-4) by Charles Stross



Influx by Daniel Suarez

Influx by Daniel Suarez



The Bloodline Feud (The Merchant Princes, #1-2) by Charles Stross

The Bloodline Feud (The Merchant Princes, #1-2) by Charles Stross



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Recent Wildlife

Updated on Sunday, May 3, 2020

Recent Wildlife

Recent Wildlife

Recent Wildlife

Recent Wildlife

Recent Wildlife

Recent Wildlife

Recent Wildlife

Black bear cub, red legged frog, deer, lizard #10, young salmon, elk and a random crab.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Recent Wildlife #photo #bear #frog #deer #lizard #fish #elk #crab Photos of a bear, a red legged frog, a deer, a lizard, a young salmon, an elk and a random crab. )

2017 Total Solar Eclipse from Madras, OR

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

Total solar eclipse composite shot from Madras, Oregon for the 2017 eclipse.

Edited highlights from the 2017 total solar eclipse shot from Madras, Oregon.

360 spherical video of totality. This is best in a virtual reality headset.

The three timelapse videos edited into the version at the top of the page. The first one was shot on a GoPro. The second is from a Sony RX100V with an ND5 filter and the third is the Sony timelapse processed to keep the sun at the center of the frame.


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(Published to the Fediverse as: 2017 Total Solar Eclipse from Madras, OR #photo #timelapse #spherical #eclipse #solar #360 #video Timelapse video, composite photo and spherical 360 video of totality from the 2017 total solar eclipse in Madras, Oregon. )

Stars from Pine Mountain Lake

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

Stars from Pine Mountain Lake

Timelapse of sunset and then stars shot over several nights at Pine Mountain Lake in Groveland, CA.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Stars from Pine Mountain Lake #timelapse #4k #stars #california #video Timelapse of sunset and stars from Pine Mountain Lake in Groveland, California (4K) )

Why Microsoft is Likely Doomed Based on one Email Folder

Updated on Thursday, August 5, 2021

Close up of the useless Junk folder in Microsoft Outlook

When you get a piece of spam in Outlook you move it to Junk or block the sender. And then, even if that junk mail is marked as read, the Junk folder has a BOLD MESSAGE COUNT. It's the only folder that does this. I cannot do any other work while I have a bold message count and so I have to switch to the Junk folder and delete the message to get rid of it.

Regular email: read, file, done.

Junk email: recognize as spam, click block sender, confirm that I really want to block the sender, switch to Junk folder, mark as read, delete.

Something is really wrong with this workflow. It's a lens through which you can view the ultimate demise of the company. Sure, Office isn't going away soon and Azure is growing like crazy and SQL Server runs on Linux. But somewhere in Redmond 5,000 people designed a Junk email folder that is the MOST IMPORTANT folder in Outlook. The rest were presumably too busy making Windows Update worse to stop this.

My Google experience is that I really don't get much spam. The spam that I do get is hidden from me unless I actually need to rifle through it for some reason. On the occasion I actually get legitimate junk I just flag it as such and never have to touch it or it's ilk again.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Why Microsoft is Likely Doomed Based on one Email Folder #etc #outlook #microsoft The Junk folder in Microsoft Outlook is a lens through which you can view the ultimate demise of the company. )

Bay Snaps

Golden Gate Bridge

Alcatraz through Spray

Photos of the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz in the San Francisco Bay.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Bay Snaps #photo #ggb #alcatraz Pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz )

Stars over Lake Tahoe

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

Timelapse of stars over Lake Tahoe, California

4K timelapse of stars and the Milky Way over Lake Tahoe, California.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Stars over Lake Tahoe #timelapse #video #4k #laketahoe #california 4K timelapse of stars and the Milky Way over Lake Tahoe, California. )

Email Alerts for new Referers in Google Analytics using Apps Script

Updated on Monday, February 13, 2023

Referral Traffic in Google Analytics

It's useful to know when you have a new website referrer. Google Analytics is plagued with spam referral and you want to filter this out of reporting as quickly as possible to stop it from skewing your data. It's also helpful to be able to respond quickly to new referral traffic - maybe leave a comment or promote the new link on social media.

The script below will send you a daily email with links to any new referrers (this is GA3, there is a GA4 version later in this post).

Start a new apps script project in Google Drive and paste in the code. At the top enter the view ID that you want to monitor and the email address that should receive reports.

Choose Advanced Google Services from the Resources menu and switch on the Google Analytics API. Then click the Google API Console link and enable the Google Analytics API there as well.

Finally pick Current project's triggers from the Edit menu and trigger the main function daily at a convenient time.

This script saves known referrers in script properties. For a site with lots of traffic this may run out of space in which case you might need to switch this out and write known referrers to a sheet instead.

For Google Analytics 4 properties use the version of the script below. The setup process is the same, but you need the Google Analytics Data API instead of the Google Analytics API.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Email Alerts for new Referers in Google Analytics using Apps Script #code #googleanalytics #appsscript #gas #ga4 Apps script that will email you any new referral traffic from Google Analytics. Useful for responding to new links and referrer spam. GA3 and GA4 versions. )