GGNRA Dog Management Plan Update

Updated on Friday, February 24, 2017

GGNRA Dog Managemnet Plan Update

I love it when making some noise works. The NPS is pushing its dog management plan back a year to incorporate the feedback from the current draft. A couple of encouraging considerations mentioned in the most recent newsletter are:

Evaluating additional access for dog walking, both on leash and under voice control.

Revising the compliance based management strategy by including natural and cultural resource monitoring, removing automatic triggers and restrictions, and incorporating additional education and enforcement.

So at the very least this looks like they’re walking back the “poison pill” provision that would allow the NPS to change the rules without further consultation. Won’t know how good or bad the changes are until the new DEIS is published later this year but at least the NPS is listening.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: GGNRA Dog Management Plan Update #politics #ggnra The NPS pushes back the GGNRA Dog Management Plan by a year. )

Reviews and Links for January 2012

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015
Damned by Chuck Palahniuk

Damned by Chuck Palahniuk


Very much a vehicle for Palahniuk to rant about this and that through the voice of a 13 year old girl condemned to hell, supposedly for overdosing on pot. Entertaining, but felt that the plot served the ranting rather than the other way round.



Shit Programmers Say:

Best explanation of software estimation failure ever:

I've just funded Mission:Explore Food on Pleasefund.Us:

Another comedy amendment:

Shit Bernalites Say: from @bernalwood

San Francisco's rubbish - why everyone wants a share:

Own a color: (for Unicef)

Just say terrorist enough times Panetta:

Applause: VA state senator attaches rectal exam amendment tacked on to anti-abortion bill

ITHCWY: Has France Cracked Fixing Education?: The French are close to making it illegal to deny a second genocide…

Arrrrgggghhhh, it's pledge. Go throw @KQED a bone radio-chavving-freeloaders:

ITHCWY: But does it get you in the HOV lane?: Interesting but highly disturbing alternative fuel source...

Shit San Franciscans Say: via @youtube

IANAL, but it certainly seems a bit crazy:

Discover London With Mission:Explore!

Load Testing with @CloudAssault #API @myEN

Shit Silicon Valley Says: via @youtube

On the subject of deadly pork, MRSA found on 7% of samples in a University of Iowa test:

Thanks SCOTUS for making us eat sick pigs:

+1: "I sent you a truck, a boat, and a helicopter! What the hell more did you want from me?"

Yay! Precita Park Upgrade:

Mission:Explore Food - PleaseFund.Us via @pleasefundus

ITHCWY: Mission:Explore Food - Crowd Fund It!: My brother is part of the Geography Collective, the team that make…

The word 'sustainable' is unsustainable: (XKCD)

Next step, jail for incorrect maths answers: (more illegal history in France...)

Chilling Effects: (post Megaupload, file sharing sites disabling sharing)

Visual Studio Gamification:

Shut down the Interstate highway system because a few people are speeding? Then don't do this:

My new favorite word: semithermonuclear: (what Google will be doing tomorrow).

3 of 5 stars to Damned by Chuck Palahniuk

ITHCWY: Carr is Wrong: Costolo is Wrong: Wikipedia’s SOPA Blackout is a Great Idea: I was very happy to see…

ITHCWY: Yet more on breaking the Internet: January 18th is Internet blackout day to protest against SOPA and PIPA…

Web Goes On Strike: Jan 18th! All-out blackout 2 stop #SOPA #PIPA. Petition @twitter and other sites to join us.

ITHCWY: Better Paperless: I've just spent several hours scanning and then shredding tedious statements, medical…

ITHCWY: Misplaced Outrage: The video of US Marines urinating on corpses is shocking and counterproductive. But it's…

Worked on this idea in 2004, didn't get funded: (Cloud-Based Video Editor WeVideo Launches To Public)

ITHCWY: Farallon Islands: A rare clear day where you can see the Farallon Islands from Fort Funston.

ITHCWY: More on breaking the Internet: I finally got round to actually reading SOPA and PIPA. I make my living from…

Stop Internet #Censorship! Sign the global petition @Avaaz urging the US Congress to reject the #Blacklist Bill #SOPA

Illegal dumping on Bernal Hill: - Vote to get this cleaned up!

Office dog... #fb

A Bird’s Eye View of Bernal Heights in 1938: from @Bernalwood

AT&T LTE lights up in San Francisco:

ITHCWY: Installation: Early and Often: Jiri Novotny at Dextronet wrote a great post this week on improving…

ITHCWY: Moon on a Wire: Testing posting by email with a picture of the moon from last night... I've extended…

William Gibson Essays: (How much do I need a parallel universe reading day?)

ITHCWY: LEGO, now for Girls: LEGO Friends is “The new LEGO theme – for girls!” So I guess the current sets not for…

The Commodore 64 is 30 via @reghardware

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Looking forward to seeing the restored Battery Townsley: #todo @myEN

Is Obama doomed in 2012?

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Has France Cracked Fixing Education?

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015

Has France Cracked Fixing Education?

The French are close to making it illegal to deny a second genocide. I was going to write a post despairing at the increasing number of thought crimes in Europe. Bad form, maybe, however does there really need to a law?

But maybe this is part of a far grander plan. It starts with history, then maybe geography (Can't spot Finland? Six months community service!), mathematics (Don't know how to figure out the volume of a cylinder? Two years and a fine!) and science (Can't sketch the Krebs Cycle? Life without the possibility of parole!).

Once every incorrect answer is against the law maybe children will start paying more attention in schools. That must be behind then ban on headscarves as well, it's not xenophobic, just trying to make sure that the view of the blackboard isn't obstructed.

(Photo credit: stttijn)

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Has France Cracked Fixing Education? #politics #france #education #genocide Is jail time for incorrect answers the ultimate solution to fixing education? )

But does it get you in the HOV lane?

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015

Mission:Explore Food - Crowd Fund It!

Updated on Sunday, November 6, 2022

My brother is part of the Geography Collective, the team that make the Mission:Explore site and books. The first book won the Hay Festival and National Trust Outdoor Book of the Year in 2011. 

The latest in the series, Mission:Explore Food, is being crowd funded at There are a variety of levels to choose from, most of which will get you a copy of the book and your name in print. You can also get yourself included as an illustration (or surprise a friend). This is going to be a great book for kids and the young at heart. Check out the sample pages (PDF) and sign up as a backer today.

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Carr is Wrong: Costolo is Wrong: Wikipedia’s SOPA Blackout is a Great Idea

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015

I was very happy to see TechCrunch 2.0 launch today as Pando.

Much less happy with Paul Carr’s applause of Dick Costolo’s tweet that Wikipedia's support of Internet Blackout Day is “…just silly. Closing a global business in reaction to single-issue national politics is foolish”.

Possibly a smart position for Twitter. It would be expensive to shut down for a day, and it’s hard to infringe copyright in 140 characters so of the many sites that depend on user generated content Twitter could very well be the least likely to fall foul of SOPA/PIPA.

Carr says:

And, you know what? He’s right. Whatever your stance on SOPA, closing down a global business to protest an American law is foolish.

It happens to be an American law that seeks to unplug foreign sites from the Internet, even if they’re not breaking any local laws. And then:

Arguing that a one-day closure reminds everyone of the importance of net freedom is like burning down one church to underscore the importance of the First Amendment for all of the others.

Really? Nobody is burning down anything. But if there was a potential law that allowed churches to be repossessed, say on the basis of claims of false scripture from other religions, without requiring a trial and say with a specific exemption that no legal challenge could be brought against any repossession made in ‘good faith’ compliance with the law then it might be worth it for a church or two to self-immolate.

And then:

The trouble with taking a political stance on one issue is that your silence on every issue becomes a stance.

There’s a difference between fighting an existential threat and throwing in the towel on neutrality. I’m very glad to see Wikipedia join the blackout.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Carr is Wrong: Costolo is Wrong: Wikipedia’s SOPA Blackout is a Great Idea #politics #sopa #pipa #twitter Wikipedia was right to blackout to protest SOPA/PIPA. )

Yet more on breaking the Internet

Updated on Sunday, November 6, 2022

January 18th is Internet blackout day to protest against SOPA and PIPA. As I'm writing this post 6,988,056,464 people still don't read ITHCWY, so I'm taking part by blacking out my software site,, which gets substantially more traffic.  

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Better Paperless

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015

Better Paperless

I've just spent several hours scanning and then shredding tedious statements, medical documents and other nasty paperwork. This is even after I've gone paperless with as many companies as possible. Very tedious, not to mention a monumental waste of time and money.

The companies that are paperless vary in what gets stored, for how long and in what format. And if I ever need some statement from years ago I may not even still have an account. I seem to change medical insurance at least twice a year at the moment. 

How about a common standard for pushing paperless whatevers out to a third party storage service? These could go directly to Evernote, SugarSync, etc and bypass the post-scan-shred cycle of doom. Just send a PDF, a date, a summary and maybe a service type. Make it easy (or mandatory) to opt in when signing up to each new bank account, health insurer, wireless carrier, etc. Make the world a slightly greener and slightly less boring place. 

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Better Paperless #etc #paperless #evernote #sugarsync We should have a standard to send junk-ish mail directly to the cloud service of your choice. )

Misplaced Outrage

Updated on Sunday, November 6, 2022

Misplaced Outrage

The video of US Marines urinating on corpses is shocking and counterproductive. But it's not the worst thing that happened to the victims that day. More shocking, and more damaging to the US is that at the same time Guantanamo marked its 10 year anniversary. While the Republican Presidential hopefuls fight over who will be the first to invade Iran. But go ahead, spin up the news cycle for the sideshow.

Photo credit: stroud4341

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Farallon Islands

Updated on Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Farallon Islands

A rare clear day where you can see the Farallon Islands from Fort Funston.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Farallon Islands #photo #farallon #funston Photo of the Farallon Islands from Fort Funston in San Francisco, California. )