I create software products. Often by writing code myself and equally often through inspiring, managing and acquiring others.
I actively work on several open source projects, listed below. I also write regularly on my development process and specific challenges - from obscure XamlParseExceptions to my most popular post ever on liberating Google Fit data.
For many years I published shareware products as Catfood Software and wrote about the shareware industry.
See Catfood Earth and Catfood WebCamSaver. The latest versions of other products are available here but are no longer supported.
Apps Script
I love Google Apps Script which gives you a powerful slice of cloud computing for free. Here is a selection of posts that do useful things with Apps Script:
- Adding AI to Todoist with Google Apps Script and OpenAI
- Control LIFX WiFi light bulbs from Google Apps Script
- Using the Todoist API to set a due date on the Alexa integration to-do list (with Apps Script)
- Monitor page index status with Google Sheets, Apps Script and the Google Search Console API
- Using the Azure Monitor REST API from Google Apps Script
- How to backup Google Photos to Google Drive automatically after July 2019 with Apps Script
- Animation of a year of Global Cloud Cover
- Export Google Fit Daily Steps, Weight and Distance to a Google Sheet
- Email Alerts for new Referers in Google Analytics using Apps Script
- Get an email if your site stops being mobile friendly (no longer available)
- Automate Google PageSpeed Insights and Core Web Vitals Logging with Apps Script
- Get an email when your security camera sees something new (Apps Script + Cloud Vision)
My open source projects (also see various gists).
- shadow: command line tool for creating Windows volume shadow copies (more).
- shapefile: ESRI shapefile reader (more).
- photo-sorter: sort and de-dupe photos (more).
- google-fit-to-sheets: export Google Fit data to Google Sheets (more).
- stackhash: Windows client for WinQual (not actively maintained).
- blogger2blogml: convert Blogger Atom to BlogML (more).
- orb: Ambiebt Orb controller library (more).
- pdfscan: Windows tool to scan to PDF (more).
Browse all code posts on I Thought He Came With You.