Search Me!

Updated on Sunday, November 6, 2022

It's a week of dealing with thrilling product deprecations for me. Over the weekend I abandoned CodePlex. Over the past couple of evenings I've ripped out Google Custom Search (they've discontinued their Site Search product and I've never liked Custom Search and I'm now worried that it will be next for the chop). I looked at various open source options but after a bit of poking around decided to just write my own search engine. After about two hours the first version is now live.

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CodePlex Shutdown: Shapefile, Orb, StackHash and Blogger2BlogML Migration

Updated on Wednesday, August 4, 2021

CodePlex Shutdown: Shapefile, Orb, StackHash and Blogger2BlogML Migration

Microsoft is finally pulling the plug on CodePlex. I've hosted various projects there over the years and have just finished migrating everything over to GitHub which looks like it just might have a future:

  • blogger2blogml - Migrate blogger format blogs to BlogML.
  • orb - Controller library for Ambient Orb devices.
  • shapefile - parse the ESRI Shapefile format.
  • stackhash - full client for downloading and debugging Windows Error Reporting (WER) crash dumps.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: CodePlex Shutdown: Shapefile, Orb, StackHash and Blogger2BlogML Migration #code #stackhash #codeplex #github CodePlex is gone. Shapefile, Orb, StackHash and Blogger2BlogML have been migrated to GitHib. )

The Harvard Business Review Fallacy

A typical Harvard Business Review two by two grid where it's easy to guess the good quadrant

Every Harvard Business Review article worth it’s salt boils some complex problem down to a two by two grid. Usually something like awesomeness and profitability:

Being non-profitable and not awesome is no fun. Awesomeness without profitability might work for some organizations. Being profitable but not awesome for others. But the place to be is awesome and profitable!

With this bracing insight the authors will cherry pick some companies that match the upper-right hand quadrant and tediously stretch their turpid insight out to book length.

In reality this is a false dilemma (or technically a false tetralemma, but that’s an awkward phrase so I prefer the HBR fallacy instead).

My favorite example is Pascal’s Wager. This is a typical HBR two by two grid based on belief in God and the existence of God.

  1. Don’t believe / No God, you’re fine (meh).

  2. Don’t believe / God, go to Hell (infinite punishment).

  3. Believe / No God, you’re fine (meh).

  4. Believe / God, go to Heaven (infinite reward).

You only have one rational choice here says Pascal.

There is a lot wrong with this argument, but the wrongest thing is the HBR fallacy. There are infinitely many possible Gods with infinitely many good and bad outcomes. You might be living in a universe where the only God is the God of the Thargoids. The one real God might send you to Heaven only if you kill a gopher every Wednesday.

Nobody is going to open any doors and show you any goats.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: The Harvard Business Review Fallacy #etc #hbr #pascal #thargoids What do Pascal's Wager and the typical Harvard Business Review article have in common? And where do Thargoids and goats come into it? )

The end of Facebook

Updated on Sunday, April 25, 2021

Holy shit I just finished Facebook. Didn't think that was possible. It was passably tolerable while it lasted but I guess I need to find something else now...

So I'm not on Facebook any more, but while I was, just one time, I reached the end:

Add Friends to See More Stories: You'll have more stories in News Feed if you add more friends.

Holy shit I just finished Facebook. Didn't think that was possible. It was passably tolerable while it lasted but I guess I need to find something else now...

I imagine a product manager got fired every time that message was shown.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: The end of Facebook #etc #facebook Did you know that back in 2017 it was actually possible to finish Facebook? I managed it one time and this is the screenshot to prove it. )

Excessive Book Reviews

Updated on Sunday, May 3, 2020

You know how you're debugging and comment out that return statement that stops book reviews from being posted more than once a month so you can get to the bottom of a problem without constantly deleting posts? And then you get distracted and push a new version of the blog software with that return statement still commented out? Thankfully that task is only scheduled to run every four hours. Sorry.

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Book reviews for March 2017

News: When should web designers use modal overlays?

Updated on Sunday, November 6, 2022

When should web designers use modal overlays?

"OK, yes, there are times when modals make sense (compose new tweet comes to mind), but if the web has a bigger annoyance than this (apart, possibly, from autoplay video), I don't know what it is."

Please enjoy the irony of trying to read this article on a mobile phone while the text shifts crazily around the page to make room for the autoplay video ad.

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Cataract Creek

Updated on Friday, August 20, 2021

Cataract Creek

Cataract Creek on Mount Tamalpais in Marin, California (long exposure photo).

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Cataract Creek #photo #tamalpais Long exposure photo of Cataract Creek on Mount Tamalpais in Marin, California. )

Vernal Equinox 2017

Updated on Saturday, October 1, 2022

Vernal Equinox 2017

Vernal Equinox 2017 happens right now, as rendered in Catfood Earth.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Vernal Equinox 2017 #code #earth #equinox #spring #autumn #vernal The exact moment of Vernal Equinox 2017 as rendered in Catfood Earth. )

Green Belt

Updated on Thursday, August 12, 2021

San Francisco Interior Green Belt

Photo from the Interior Green Belt on Mt. Sutro in San Francisco, California.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Green Belt #photo #greenbelt San Francisco's Interior Green Belt on Mt. Sutro )