Is it safe to open securedoc.html (Cisco Registered Envelope)?

Updated on Monday, July 15, 2024

Cisco's insane securedoc HTML attachment

I last got one of these in 2010 and assumed it must have died by now, but no, otherwise sensible organisations are still training their customers to fall victim to phishing attacks by asking them to open dodgy email attachments.

The product in question is Cisco Registered Envelope and it deals with the lack of security in email by sending you an encrypted HTML file. Opening this file sends you off to register on some website and then runs a Java app to decrypt the message. This is insane. The HTML attachment in insane and the Java applet is insane.

The latest email I got in this format was an appointment reminder from UCSF. I'm sure there is some HIPPA requirement that they can't just send medical information in a plain text email. But they could send an email that lets you know you should login to your account to see the appointment. It's not like the securedoc.html method is magic, you still have to create an account on a website to use it so it buys you literally nothing.

UCSF, shame on you. Look after your patients digital health as well as their physical health. Out of self interest if nothing else, nobody can pay you if their bank accounts have been emptied after falling victim to a real phishing attack.

Cisco, shame on you. This product is so wrong headed it's impossible to believe that you're doing anything right.


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(Published to the Fediverse as: Is it safe to open securedoc.html (Cisco Registered Envelope)? #etc #securedoc #cisco #phishing​ #ucsf #hippa Securedoc.html looks like a phishing/malware attack but isn't. Here's why it's dangerous anyway. )

Crushing PNGs in .NET

Updated on Thursday, May 13, 2021

Crushing PNGs in .NET

I'm working on page speed and Google PageSpeed Insights is telling me that my PNGs are just way too large. Sadly .NET does not provide any way to optimize PNG images so there is no easy fix - just unmanaged libraries and command line tools.

I have an allergy to manual processes so I've lashed up some code to automatically find and optimize PNGs in my App_Data folder using PNGCRUSH. I can call CrushAllImages() to fix up everything or CrushImage() when I need to fix up a specific PNG. Code below:

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LEGO Management

Updated on Wednesday, February 22, 2017

LEGO Management

Good HBR article on LEGO and girls: LEGO’s Girl Problem Starts with Management, depressing conclusion:

"Don’t hold your breath, though. Despite its first-day sold-out success, LEGO has decided not to continue the Research Institute line. It was only a “limited edition.” So girls, back to the pool. The guys in this boardroom don’t seem to want to give you any ideas… let alone seats at the table."

(previously, previously)

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Autumnal Equinox 2014

Updated on Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Autumnal Equinox 2014

Autumn starts now in the northern hemisphere, Spring in the southern. Rendered in Catfood Earth (Windows, Android).


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Sunset sunset

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

Sunset sunset

Sunset over the Sunset district in San Francisco. There is also the start of moonset at the start of the video and then clouds roll in and, unusually, out before the sun goes down.

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Cable Car Museum

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015

Cable Car Museum

Worth a visit. When I first moved to San Francisco I assumed that the cable cars were the type that go up mountains rather than a cunning way to drag trolleys up hills.

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Please Stay

Updated on Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Please Stay

My Scottish Grandmother would always tell me off if I said I was English instead of British. She also said it was better to be moving in the wrong direction rather than standing still in the right one. That mostly applied to navigating traffic, but I think it's true for Scotland as well. Help make the UK better and don't become small and stagnant and some sort of irrelevant bland euro-region.

And if you do go then this.

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San Francisco from Hill 88

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Minify and inline CSS for ASP.NET MVC

Updated on Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Minify and inline CSS for ASP.NET MVC

ASP.NET has a CssMinify class (and a JavaScript variant as well) designed for use in the bundling pipeline. But what if you want to have your CSS minified and inline? Here is an action that is working for me (rendered into a style tag on my _Layout.cshtml using @Html.Action("InlineCss", "Home")).

Note that I'm using this to inline CSS for this blog. The pages are cached so I'm not worried about how well this action performs. My blog is also basically all landing pages so I'm also not worried about caching a non-inline version for later use, I just drop all the CSS on every page.

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Book reviews for July 2014

Updated on Friday, February 24, 2017
Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability & Science of Customer Centricity [With CDROM] by Avinash Kaushik

Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability & Science of Customer Centricity [With CDROM] by Avinash Kaushik


Deep, evergreen advice on web analytics. This book is grounded in the trenches and is full of practical advice and reality. Works well to read all the way through and to dip into for specific topics.


The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap by Matt Taibbi

The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap by Matt Taibbi


Barnstorming tirade against injustice in the US law enforcement and legal systems. Nothing in here was news to me, but laid out story after story it's breathtaking. Minor welfare infractions leading to jail time, institutionalized fraud ignored. Banks get away with money laundering and theft while in some places standing on the street is a crime. Once you've worked up a full head of rage you realize that Obama is as bad as Bush is nearly as bad as Clinton. The failure is in politics and this book is a depressing catalog of the symptoms.


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