Email Alerts for new Referers in Google Analytics using Apps Script
It's useful to know when you have a new website referrer. Google Analytics is plagued with spam referral and you want to filter this out of reporting as quickly as possible to stop it from skewing your data. It's also helpful to be able to respond quickly to new referral traffic - maybe leave a comment or promote the new link on social media.
The script below will send you a daily email with links to any new referrers (this is GA3, there is a GA4 version later in this post).
Start a new apps script project in Google Drive and paste in the code. At the top enter the view ID that you want to monitor and the email address that should receive reports.
Choose Advanced Google Services from the Resources menu and switch on the Google Analytics API. Then click the Google API Console link and enable the Google Analytics API there as well.
Finally pick Current project's triggers from the Edit menu and trigger the main function daily at a convenient time.
This script saves known referrers in script properties. For a site with lots of traffic this may run out of space in which case you might need to switch this out and write known referrers to a sheet instead.
For Google Analytics 4 properties use the version of the script below. The setup process is the same, but you need the Google Analytics Data API instead of the Google Analytics API.
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(Published to the Fediverse as: Email Alerts for new Referers in Google Analytics using Apps Script #code #googleanalytics #appsscript #gas #ga4 Apps script that will email you any new referral traffic from Google Analytics. Useful for responding to new links and referrer spam. GA3 and GA4 versions. )
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