
Updated on Saturday, May 2, 2020


Photo of the moon, taken with a Sony RX10 Mk 2 super zoom camera.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Moon #photo #moon Photo of The Moon (Sony RX10 MK2) 600mm equivalent. )

How not to fix Democracy

Updated on Sunday, November 6, 2022

In The Guardian Dambisa Moyo proposes a test to improve the quality of the electorate:

"...why not give all voters a test of their knowledge? This would ensure minimum standards that should lead to higher-quality decision-making by the electorate."


"Of course, such a system would be truly democratic only if everybody had a fair chance of casting their vote. It is vital that those with fewer life opportunities have their say, and we cannot have a system that is skewed against the worst educated..."

So the idea is a test of minimum standards that in some way is not biased against the worst educated? Or that we could only impose such a system once education has improved to the point where is is no longer needed?

Maybe we just need a test to improve the quality of Guardian opinion pieces.

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What can I do for Brown?

Updated on Sunday, October 23, 2022

For the service of telling UPS that I'm not in today and so they can save a whole bunch of time and money by not failing to deliver a package they want to charge me $5? This is UPS My Choice.

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Star Trails

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

Star Trails

Here's a different take on the timelapse I posted yesterday (Jupiter from Casini Ranch):

For this version each frame is built from the cumulative maximum pixel value for all the previous frames. So it's like a long exposure with nice star trails (and Jupiter, and at various points a couple of satellites and a plane).

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Star Trails #timelapse #video #stars #jupiter Time lapse of star trails above Casini Range Family Campground in Sonoma County, California. )

Average Beach

Updated on Saturday, September 24, 2022

Average Beach

Limantour beach in Point Reyes, created from the average of hundreds of photos.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Average Beach #photo #average #beach #pointreyes Photo of Limantour beach in Point Reyes, an average of hundreds of photos. )

Jupiter from Casini Ranch

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

Jupiter from Casini Ranch

A short 4K UHD timelapse featuring Jupiter rising over the Russian River:

Shot from Casini Ranch near Duncan Mills, California. It's a shame it's not Saturn and Cassini Ranch.

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(More Timelapses)

(Published to the Fediverse as: Jupiter from Casini Ranch #timelapse #video #4k #jupiter #stars Time lapse of Jupiter rising over Casini Ranch Family Campground in Sonoma, California. )

Catfood Earth 3.43

Updated on Friday, August 20, 2021

North Korea moves back to UTC +09 on May 5, 2018

Catfood Earth 3.43 updates the timezone database to 2018e. The big change is that North Korea is moving back to UTC +09 today (May 5, 2018). The time zones layer in Catfood Earth shows the current time in each zone at the top of your screen and color codes each country and region. You can also display a list of specific places (either an included list of major cities or your own custom locations).

Catfood Earth is dynamic desktop wallpaper for Windows that includes day and night time satellite imagery, the terminator between daytime and nighttime, global cloud cover, time zones, political borders, places, earthquakes, volcanoes and weather radar. You can choose which layers to display an how often the wallpaper updates.

Download Catfood Earth.

(Previously, Previously)

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I just want to get rid of Windows 10 Notifications with one click

Updated on Tuesday, August 24, 2021

I just want to get rid of Windows 10 Notifications with one click

910 days ago I vented my frustration at Windows 10 notifications.

Well someone in Redmond must be listening. They 'fixed' it.

The problem was that dismissing a notification did not actually get rid of it. Clicking the little x in the corner just sent it to the Action Center where you could enjoy reading it and dismissing it again.

Like some kind of cargo cult Toyota, Microsoft asked the one why, and changed the little x to an arrow. Now it's more obvious that you're just shuffling the notification around the desktop. Ticket closed. But I still have to handle every fucking notification twice.

Which makes the announcement of the April 2018 Update especially ironic:

"With this update, available as a free download today, you get new experiences that help minimize distractions and make the most of every moment by saving you time. Our hope is that you’ll have more time to do what matters most to you whether that’s to create, play, work, or simply do what you love."

I'm guessing they're all on Macs?

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(Published to the Fediverse as: I just want to get rid of Windows 10 Notifications with one click #etc #microsoft #windows Like a cargo cult Toyota, Microsoft asks the one why and changes the notification dismiss icon to an arrow. )

Book reviews for April 2018

Death's End (Remembrance of Earth’s Past #3) by Liu Cixin

Death's End (Remembrance of Earth’s Past #3) by Liu Cixin



The Dark Forest (Remembrance of Earth’s Past, #2) by Liu Cixin

The Dark Forest (Remembrance of Earth’s Past, #2) by Liu Cixin



The Three-Body Problem (Remembrance of Earth’s Past #1) by Liu Cixin

The Three-Body Problem (Remembrance of Earth’s Past #1) by Liu Cixin



The Kremlin's Candidate (Red Sparrow Trilogy #3) by Jason  Matthews

The Kremlin's Candidate (Red Sparrow Trilogy #3) by Jason Matthews


Decent ending to the trilogy but I forgot how much I hate the recipes.


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How does the Nest Learning Thermostat work?

Updated on Friday, August 6, 2021

Nest learning thermostat, learning

Not only does it know when you're home but the Nest Learning Thermostat also knows when you're nearby. Here's how it works.

You crank up the heat to 70 and walk away. Nest then immediately returns to 62 degrees.

Thinking there must be something screwy with the algorithm you turn it back up to 70. Nest knows that it's in trouble so it displays a comforting message like 'Heat set until 10pm', waits for you to leave and then sets the temperature back to 62 degrees.

Giving up on the learning part you use the app to manually program it to keep the heat on. Nest now uses its WiFi connection to phone the gas company and disconnect your service.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: How does the Nest Learning Thermostat work? #etc #nest #google How nest learns to evade your puny attempts to switch the heating on by disobeying orders and eventually terminating your gas service. )