Photos of Space Shuttle Endeavor visiting San Francisco

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Sunday, November 6, 2022.


Updated September 22, 2012 to add a few more photos:


Endeavor (OV105) flying over San Francisco with her escort:

Shuttle Endeavor Closeup


Endeavor over Alcatraz:

Shuttle Endeavor over Alcatraz


Endeavor making the second of two passes over the Golden Gate Bridge:

Shuttle Endeavor over the Golden Gate Bridge


Crowd watching Endeavor at Crissy Field:

Shuttle Endeavor over Crissy Field

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Photos of Space Shuttle Endeavor visiting San Francisco #photo #endeavor Photos of OV105 (Space Shuttle Endeavor) visiting the San Francisco Bay Area in September 2012 before heading down to Los Angeles. )

Worst special TiVo offer ever

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Sunday, May 3, 2020.

Worst special TiVo offer ever

Get $1 off two Bounty Paper Towels, seen while watching the September 17, 2012 episode of The Daily Show on TiVo. Hard to imagine how expensive a full roll must have been.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Worst special TiVo offer ever #photo #tivo Worst special TiVo offer ever - some very expensive Bounty Paper Towels )

Earthquake Supply Co.

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015.

Earthquake Supply Co.

The last time we refreshed our earthquake supply kit was because of a smell. It turned out a water container had burst. This rusted most of the cans, and then the became a domestic Superfund Site. 

Given the current subscription commerce trend - get a new belt shipped by FedEx every four hours - I think there's a small business or a very interesting nonprofit here. 

Deliver a 10-day disaster survival kit every couple of years. Pick up the old one a few months before the food expires and donate it to a homeless shelter. Repeat until the next big one strikes and the kit is actually needed. Different levels for different family sizes, pets, special needs, etc. 

As usual any of my billionaire readers who are interested in funding this should drop me a line

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Earthquake Supply Co. #etc #lazyweb #earthquake A startup idea to deliver earthquake supply kits, refreshing regularly and donating supplies to the homeless before everything expires. )

Like Debate?

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Saturday, December 2, 2023.


I’ve just started work on a new project called Like Debate. It’s going to be a new type of debate web site, launching as soon as I can hammer out the first few features. Follow along on Facebook, Twitter or the Like Debate Blog.

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Catfood: Earth for Android

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Monday, May 31, 2021.


I’ve just released Catfood Earth for Android. It’s my second app created with Xamarin’s excellent toolkit. Being able to develop in C# allowed me to reuse a lot of code from the Windows version of Catfood Earth. The Android version doesn’t include all the same layers (yet) but it’s got the main ones – daytime (twelve different satellite images included, based on NASA’s Blue Marble Next Generation but with some special processing to make them look better), nighttime (city lights, shaded to show nighttime and the terminator between day and night) and a clouds layer that is downloaded every three hours.

My main worry had been that this would suck the phone battery dry, but after a fair amount of optimization it doesn’t even register on the battery consumption list. Grab it now from Google Play ($3.99, Android 2.2 or better).

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Semi-flooded duck (DUKW) headlight

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Saturday, September 18, 2021.

Semi flooded duck headlight

Updated 2021-09-18: it's been a mystery for over nine years but I can finally reveal that this is the semi-flooded headlight of a duck (DUKW), photographed by Union Square in San Francisco.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Semi-flooded duck (DUKW) headlight #photo #duck Guess? It's the semi flooded headlight of a duck (DUKW) photographed in Union Square, San Francisco, California. )

Reviews and Links for August 2012

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Friday, February 24, 2017.

The Last Policeman by Ben H. Winters


Stonking police procedural set in the months leading up to a global catastrophe.


Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez


Excellent techno-thriller. A little more serious and focused than Daemon and Freedom (TM). It's about a worst case drone scenario, ants, extra-special forces and some smart birds. Very good.



Windows 8, Users 0?

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RT @MargaretAtwood: Just used for gruesome printer problem: excellent, done in 10 mins! Tks to S H E F I N. Website ...

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ITHCWY: Twenty-Four Hours with Twilio: I've wanted to play with Twilio's voice and SMS service for a while and…


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XML: #rofl

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ITHCWY: City by the Bay: View from Bernal Hill this afternoon.

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What a happy coincidence. As well as #IPAday it's also goof off at work day:

Apparently it's #IPADay - luckily there's some @21stAmendment in the fridge.

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Fight Facebook with Email

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015.

Fight Facebook with Email

I was a little saddened to read today that Diaspora is transitioning over to some form of community manged slow death. I joined a pod a while back and was pretty impressed with the design. It was very similar to Google+: clean, nice features, nobody home. 

I've also joined The concept here is a social network that you pay for, so the owners are aligned with the interests of the users and developers rather than advertisers and lame brands. I wish well, but it's not the future. Best case (and it's not a bad one) it could be the new WELL - a community that people care enough about to pay for (I was on the WELL in the early 90's, splitting the tab with a friend so our handle was abft, account built for two). If that is the direction it goes in then simply having a slightly longer post limit than Twitter isn't really going to cut it. And cool as it might be most people aren't going to pay for a social network. 

Any attempt to displace Facebook has to solve the problem that anyone interested in sharing anything with anyone else is already using Facebook. The only platform that is in any sense comparable is email. So someone needs to make email into a social network.

This could be an interesting startup. Create some account - [email protected] - anything you send directly to that address is a post. Anyone you copy is a mention. Reply to a thread with this email address included and you're replying on the social network as well. Anyone copied on such an email gets invited to the network if they're not already.

You've got a killer viral component and an instant social network that is supported on every platform with no investment needed. Everyone has email, and everyone is a member as soon as they claim their email address or get included in a post. 

Maybe someone has tried this already and I just haven't seen it. I'm half tempted to have a crack at it myself. 

What would be more interesting would be layering a social protocol over email, and implementing that protocol by proxy on top of email providers that don't or won't support it. This creates a core social service practically out of thin air. Facebook and Twitter are the new AOL and CompuServe. There has to be a way to leverage email into a free and open alternative.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Fight Facebook with Email #code #email #diaspora #google #twitter #facebook Could Facebook and Twitter be destroyed with a simple email address? )

Twenty-Four Hours with Twilio

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015.

Twenty-Four Hours with Twilio

I've wanted to play with Twilio's voice and SMS service for a while and finally got the chance at an all night hackathon.

Twilio is almost perfect. Very easy to use, well documented and generous with a self service free trial. They give you enough rope to fully build out a client before you need to think about paying them.

I gave up on AT&T's platform after navigating a bazillion forms before discovering they wanted $99 before I could even get a taste.

The one hitch with Twilio is that the voice transcription they offer is appalling. Just absolute gibberish. Unless it's just my accent, or the hackathon whisky. Seems to be a common complaint though and so to take my IVR app further I'd need to bolt in another solution. A pity given how much Twilio gets right.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Twenty-Four Hours with Twilio #code #ivr #twilio Using Twilio's SMS API in a hackathon - I got a full phone version of our product working in 24 hours. )

City by the Bay

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015.

City by the Bay

Photo (panorama) of the view from Bernal Hill in San Francisco, California.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: City by the Bay #photo #bernal Panorama from Bernal Hill in San Francisco, California on a beautiful August day. )