ITHCWY Newsletter for June 2020

Visualizing Coronavirus Cases and Deaths by Country and US County

Updated on Saturday, September 23, 2023

Cases and Deaths by Country

Week on Week Incremental

Visualizing Coronavirus Deaths by Country (Daily Incremental)


Visualizing Coronavirus Deaths by Country (Cumulative)

Cases and Deaths by US County

Week on Week Incremental

Visualizing Coronavirus Deaths by US County (Daily Incremental)


Visualizing Coronavirus Deaths by US County (Cumulative)

This post visualizes global and US county level coronavirus data from Johns Hopkins University. Four videos show both cumulative and week on week progression (comparing seven day moving averages) of the disease together with four images that show the most recent snapshot. It used to be updated weekly, this stopped August 5, 2023.

Cases and deaths are shown simultaneously using blue for cases and red for deaths. Where both are high a region will be a shade of purple. Regions with no data are dark gray.

The week on week incremental visualization is useful to see the history and current state of the spread of coronavirus. Each region is shaded based on the highest number of daily cases and deaths for that region and is relative to population. For example if the highest number of deaths reported on any day in San Francisco county is seven, then any day that has seven deaths will be the brightest shade of red. This shows where COVID-19 is relatively bad over time.

The cumulative visualization is shaded relative to the highest total death and case count for any region, relative to population.

As the location and date of the peak in week on week and cumulative cases and deaths change over time the videos will be different each time you watch. Bookmark this post and check back for weekly updates.

(This is the fifth version of this post as I have changed the data source and methodology several times. I usually preserve the previous version of any post but the changes are large enough that in this case I have removed them).

Cases and Deaths by Country

Week on Week Incremental




Cases and Deaths by US County

Week on Week Incremental




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(Published to the Fediverse as: Visualizing Coronavirus Cases and Deaths by Country and US County #etc #coronavirus #shapefile #h5v Videos showing the spread of confirmed COVID-19 cases and death by country and US county/state per capita from 2020 to 2023. )

Do you want me to use Edge, Microsoft?

Updated on Saturday, May 22, 2021

Do you want me to use Edge, Microsoft?

If you're going to ask for something be direct, don't beat around the bush.

So I'm confused, Microsoft. Do you want me to use Edge? After installing updates Edge wants to 'Get started', on a nice modal with no cancel button or even any little x to close it. Must be some mistake right, not quite ready for prime time if they forgot the 'Don't get started' button. Maybe I'll try it when the kinks are worked out.

Ah, right clicking the icon and choosing close would work, right? Nope. Feels more and more like malware.

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