You won't believe this one crazy trick that would fix the broken patent system

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015

You won't believe this one crazy trick that would fix the broken patent system

On Thursday The White House announced a trio of executive actions to fight patent trolls, most interestingly:

"Crowdsourcing Prior Art — To help ensure that U.S. patents are of the highest quality, the USPTO is announcing a new initiative focused on expanding ways for companies, experts, and the general public to help patent examiners, holders, and applicants find relevant “prior art”—that is, the technical information patent examiners need to make a determination of whether an invention is truly novel."

I've considered this for a few years as a for-profit business, paying a bounty to anyone who contributes prior art that helps take out a troll. But I have a way better idea: stop examining patents altogether.

(previously, previously, previously, previously, previously, previously, previously, previously, previously)

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(Published to the Fediverse as: You won't believe this one crazy trick that would fix the broken patent system #politics #patents The best way to fix patents is to stop examining them altogether. )

Fog over Twin Peaks

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

Fog over Twin Peaks

Fog sweeps in over Twin Peaks in San Francisco.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Fog over Twin Peaks #photo #timelapse #video Timelapse of fog sweeping over Twin Peaks in San Francisco, California. )

Book reviews for January 2014

Updated on Friday, February 24, 2017
Why Does E=mc²? (And Why Should We Care?) by Brian Cox

Why Does E=mc²? (And Why Should We Care?) by Brian Cox


Has some new (to me) angles to help you try and understand relativity and quantum mechanics so I enjoyed it. I can feel that clarity starting to slip away again two days later though...


The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals by Sean Covey

The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals by Sean Covey


Not as religious as your typical business self help book, still wildly repetitive though. Important goal -> focus on leading rather than lagging metrics -> simple scoreboard -> peer accountability on a weekly basis -> win. It's pretty much scrum for the non-development crowd (assuming that having a captive customer can be counted as a leading metric which I think it does).


A Good and Useful Hurt by Aric Davis

A Good and Useful Hurt by Aric Davis


Well paced and strange book about catching a serial killer via unexpectedly powerful tattoos.


Last Man in Tower by Aravind Adiga

Last Man in Tower by Aravind Adiga


It's like an episode of the A Team with two important differences - the book is set in India and the A Team don't show up. This means that it doesn't end well.


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Lottocracy vs Legislative Service

Updated on Sunday, May 16, 2021

Corrupt Legislation

Alexander Guerrero in aeon:

"There are hard questions about how exactly to structure a political system with lottery-selection at its heart. Here’s one approach, which I am in the process of developing, that I call lottocracy. The basic components are straightforward. First, rather than having a single, generalist legislature such as the United States Congress, the legislative function would be fulfilled by many different single-issue legislatures (each one focusing on, for example, just agriculture or health care)."

It's the same concept as legislative service except randomly selected people serve a single issue for three years rather than just voting on a single bill. I think the advantage is clearly that you get to build up a greater depth of knowledge if you're spending three years learning about health care. The disadvantage is that the number of people willing to give three years of their life is going to be much lower than just asking for the few weeks or months that legislative service would require.

(previously, previously)

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Lottocracy vs Legislative Service #politics #lottocracy #democracy #legislativeservice #politicalreform Comparing Lottocracy - like a grand jury - and Legislative Service - like a regular jury - as approaches for improving the legislature. )

Fitbit on a bike

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fitbit on a bike

My company bought everyone a Fitbit for Christmas and now we're in a Battle Royale to get the most steps. I'm at a disadvantage as I often cycle to work and Fitbit does not track this accurately.

A couple of people suggested that clipping the Fitbit to your shoe would help. So over the last week I conducted an experiment. My ride from home to the office is 6.5 miles. With the Fitbit clipped into my hip pocket it registers 2,362 steps. Perched precariously on my shoe I get 2,389 steps. You can't cheat Fitbit this way.

How far off is 2,300 steps? If I was walking the same distance I'd get 13,000 steps. But I  wouldn't be coasting down any hills so that isn't right either.

For my weight relaxed walking should be around 155 calories a mile, cycling at around 10 miles per hour is 78 calories a mile. This is about a 2:1 exchange rate so those 2,300 steps should be 4,600 or so.

Fitbit does have some options to manually add activities that it doesn't register correctly. This sounds too much like hard work though, it's difficult enough to remember not to put the poor device in the washing machine. I'm also 234,037 steps behind the current leader for January so I'd need to cycle home for lunch as well to stand any chance of catching up...

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Fitbit on a bike #etc #fitbit #bike Can you use a Fitbit to track exercise on a bike? Results from an experiment. )

Don't show this to me again

Updated on Sunday, October 23, 2022

Don't show this to me again

HTC deserves to go bust for greying out the option to not use their sharing tool.

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etc, htc


Updated on Saturday, October 1, 2022


Some kind of epiphyte hanging out on a tree in the Presidio of San Francisco.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Tree #photo #trees Photo of an epiphyte in a tree in the Presidio of San Francisco, California. )

Watercress Line

Updated on Sunday, September 18, 2022

Watercress Line

Photo of steam from the Watercress Line over the British countryside.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Watercress Line #photo #steam Photo of steam from the Watercress Line in the UK. )

How does Hulu manage to suck so badly and the missing app for cord cutting

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015

How does Hulu manage to suck so badly and the missing app for cord cutting

Hulu Plus has turned out to be a bit of a disaster.

The app (I use it on a TiVo) is ugly and clumsy. I checked last night and it took 15 clicks to watch the next episode of a series I'd watched the previous night. You'd think this would be about the most basic use case and it's something that everyone else gets right.

And then it plays a couple of ads flawlessly before complaining that there is a problem with the connection. You're then bombed out to the menu and sit through the pre-roll ads again before the show starts.

I'm not stoked about being forced to watch ads on a paid service at all. If you believe the CPM estimates on Quora Hulu could charge me another $6 per month for an ad-free service that doesn't suck. Hulu ads are particularly awful because they're not embedded in the stream. This means when it's ad time everything grinds to a halt while the app switches from program mode to ad mode and then back again. You could make a cup of tea in the time it takes Hulu to figure this out. Adding insult to injury only three companies appear to have bought ads so you're stuck watching the same ones repeatedly.

All this is if the program you added to your queue still exists. Different shows seem to have different windows of availability so when you sit down to watch something you've been saving up you might find that half the episodes have been yanked away.

There is an opportunity here for a brave entrepreneur (or at least one operating somewhere with no extradition treaty with the US). What we need is an app (or service) that is the TiVo equivalent for the brave streaming cord-cutting future. You feed in the credentials for all the services you subscribe to and the programs you want to watch. The app records everything and spits out video files you can watch (and fast forward through) at your leisure.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: How does Hulu manage to suck so badly and the missing app for cord cutting #etc #hulu #tivo We need a DVR company for streaming video to get back to cord cutting nirvana. )

CI Dream

Updated on Sunday, November 6, 2022

CI Dream

I have an old Ambient Orb hooked up to our build server at work. It glows green when everything is working and red when a build fails. It's nice but not visible enough. My dream is to fit every developer box with a second generation blink (small USB LED indicator) or two so if things go pear shaped the whole office lights up red.

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