25th Centuary

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

25th Centuary

Video of hypothetical sea level rise through 2407 set to the theme tune from Buck Rogers.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: 25th Centuary #etc #video Them tune from Buck Rogers in the 25th Centuary showing hypothetical sea level rise until 2407. )

Book reviews for September 2015

Updated on Friday, February 24, 2017
The Jennifer Morgue (Laundry Files, #2) by Charles Stross

The Jennifer Morgue (Laundry Files, #2) by Charles Stross


I wanted to like The Atrocity Archives more than I did (which is still quite a bit)... I'm glad I pressed on to The Jennifer Morgue which is a tight spy thriller, a send up of spy thrillers and manages to be funny and moving in turns. I'm stuck in for the duration of the Laundry Files at this point.


A God in Ruins by Kate Atkinson



Armada by Ernest Cline

Armada by Ernest Cline



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Autumnal Equinox 2015

Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015

Autumnal Equinox 2015

Autumn begins right now in the northern hemisphere, Spring for the hemispherically challenged. Rendered in Catfood Earth (Windows, Android).

(previously, previously)

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Autumnal Equinox 2015 #code #earth #equinox #autumnal Catfood Earth render of the Autumnal Equinox 2015 including clouds and the extent of day and night. )

Catfood Weather 2.20

Updated on Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Catfood Weather 2.20

Catfood Weather 2.20 fixes a problem with the forecast failing to update (the National Weather Service changed the URL of the web service that Catfood Weather uses and while they were kind enough to put a redirect in place it was a form of redirect that didn't play nicely with WebClient so a patch is needed).

In addition this release should fix the ignore alerts feature. It's one of those cases that after not having looked at the code for a couple of years I suddenly realized that the implementation was fatally flawed (bordering on idiotic) and could never have worked. Should be better now.

Download Catfood Weather 2.20.


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(Published to the Fediverse as: Catfood Weather 2.20 #code #weather Catfood Weather 2.20 is a critical update that fixes the forecast and also corrects the ignore alerts feature. )

Sunset sunset 4k

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

Sunset sunset 4k

An update to my previous sunset sunset timelapse, this time with better colors and in 4K. It's sunset over the Sunset District in San Francisco.


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(Published to the Fediverse as: Sunset sunset 4k #timelapse #sunset #sanfrancisco #4k #video Timelapse of sunset over the Sunset District in San Francisco shot in 4K )


Updated on Sunday, September 18, 2022


Photo of one of the many hiking trails on Mount Davidson in San Francisco.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Path #photo #sanfrancisco #mountdavidson Photo of a hiking trail on Mount Davidson in San Francisco, California. )

West Portal 360

Updated on Sunday, June 25, 2023

West Portal 360

A 360 degree (skipping night) 24 hour time lapse from the roof of my house in West Portal, San Francisco.​

Updated 2023-06-25 21:22:

A 2,160 version using an Insta360 X3. That's six rotations over 25 hours, on Summer Solstice 2023.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: West Portal 360 #timelapse #360 #westportal​ #video 360 degree, 24 hour time lapse video from West Portal, San Francisco )

New Normal

Updated on Wednesday, August 18, 2021

New Normal

Photo of a fresh planter of succulents as we adapt to the lack of water in San Francisco (and the western United States in general).

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(Published to the Fediverse as: New Normal #photo #drought Photo of changes brought by the drought impacting San Francisco, California and the whole of the western United States. Get used to succulents. )

Book reviews for July 2015

Updated on Friday, February 24, 2017

The Atrocity Archives (Laundry Files, #1) by Charles Stross



Seveneves by Neal Stephenson

Seveneves by Neal Stephenson


I really enjoyed it but the timescale is so long and so much happens that it feels a bit rushed until the last section of the book. I wish this had been teased out into a trilogy.


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A vacation based proof of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics

Updated on Sunday, May 2, 2021

A vacation based proof of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics

It's a well known fact that whenever you go on holiday your home town experiences once-in-a-generation levels of good weather while you sit inside with increasingly insane children watching unseasonably torrential rain.

As this is a universal experience it has to be more than bad luck.

Every time anyone takes a vacation a parallel universe must be created where the traveler inflicts stormy weather on one branch and summer continues as normal on the other.

​Tags: random, quantum, weather​

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(Published to the Fediverse as: A vacation based proof of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics #etc #quantum Is it possible to prove the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics just by going on vacation? )