Google Photos killed my Aura Frame

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.

A sad looking empty photo frame

I want to do two things with my digital photos. First, keep them safe, especially all those precious memories of random parking meters and unfathomable HVAC mechanisms. Second, enjoy looking at the small subset that are precious family moments. I'm not a special snowflake, these basic requirements should represent a large and competitive market. Unfortunately I'm not holding my breath for much in the way of consumer friendly regulation for the next four years in the US.

Google is making some changes to their Photos API next month, which amount to "Get the fuck out of our Photos API". They're a polite organization so they phrase it a little differently: "We're excited to see the creative solutions developers will build using the new Picker API and the updated Library API.". The developer documentation is a little more pointed: "If your app relies on accessing the user's entire library, you may need to re-evaluate your app or consider alternative approaches."

I have an Aura Carver Mat, a nice digital photo frame that I synced to a shared Google Photos album. Easy for me to add photos, way too easy for the kids to add photos - a fantastic device. As of next month it's ewaste though. I'm not going to upload photos slowly through some picker API like an animal. I'm going to end up building something complicated out of a Raspberry Pi (adds to actuarially unrealistic to do list).

This change doesn't impact backup, because that was already broken. For a while Google Photos nicely integrated with Google Drive and I ended up with a local copy of everything that I could then backup through other means. I'm never going to trust any one company to look after important files and so my philosophy is to backup twice online and once to an external hard drive that lives in a fire safe. (At one point I even built a backup company based on this model).

Google killed the Drive integration and so I MacGyvered together an apps script based solution that used the Google Photos API. This revealed to me that the Photos API would not return location information. Even worse it was impossible to get the full resolution version of a video to download. So it's not like I was in love with the API before this most recent change.

My current approach is a mix of sad and awesome. The sad part is that I use Google Takeout once a month to get an archive of all my online photos. Thankfully this still works. The awesome - I wrote this photo sorter tool that takes the messy download and organizes it by year and month. And I also wrote a volume shadow copy tool that lets you backup a drive without getting hung up on locked files. Those pieces get my photos safely to an external drive, and I upload to Amazon Photos too (the third leg of my backup stool).

Update - fixed with a Raspberry Pi!

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Google Photos killed my Aura Frame #etc #google #photos #aura #backup Google is changing their Photos API so my Aura frame is ewaste. Thoughts on using and backing up digital photos. )

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