Links for October 2022

Catfood Earth 4.30

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Sunday, October 23, 2022.

Catfood Earth Satellite Composite Image of Earth including Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Catfood Earth 4.30 is available to download.

This update fixes a couple of problems with the screensaver. It now has improved support for multiple monitors (the image will repeat rather than stretch). There was a problem with the screensaver not starting in some cases. This should now be fixed. After upgrading to 4.30 please find and run the 'Catfood Earth Screensaver Settings' shortcut to configure the screensaver.

4.30 also includes version 2022d of the time zone database.

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Autumnal Equinox 2022

Catfood Earth render of the exact moment of the Autumnal (Fall) Equinox 2022.

Autumn (or Fall) starts now (23 September 2022, 01:04 UTC) in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring if you happen to be south of the Equator. Rendered in Catfood Earth.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Autumnal Equinox 2022 #code #catfood #earth #equinox #autumnal Render of 23 September 2022, 01:04 UTC, the exact moment of the Autumnal Equinox 2022 in Catfood Earth. )

Stable Diffusion Watches a Security Camera - a short horror movie

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Friday, September 16, 2022.

Stable Diffusion Watches a Security Camera - a short horror movie

A horror movie made by forcing img2img to watch a Japanese security camera over 24 hours.

The office was empty, so the main influences are sunrise and sunset and then just subtle shifts in lighting. In terms of settings, strength was 0.75 with scale of 6.6 so the animation doesn't look anything like the actual office in question. The prompt was "photo of something unspeakable lurks in the shadows of the office, high quality, cinematic lighting, subtle horror, horrifying, japanese, found footage, sharp focus, 8k, no text". I upscaled with Gigapixel AI and then added some music.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Stable Diffusion Watches a Security Camera - a short horror movie #etc #video #stablediffusion #ml #4k #animation A horror movie created by forcing Stable Diffusion to watch a random Japanese security camera for 24 hours. )

Better Rotating Outages

Power Cut Contest

I have an idea for PG&E. We're facing the possibility of rotating power cuts this evening in California due to record heat. The California ISO has a thing called a flex alert where they ask you nicely to reduce power consumption, and I got a text and email earlier today. If the ISO calls for outages PG&E starts flipping off the switch for some blocks, and you can even look up your address to see if you're at risk.

This could be so much better.

Just keep tabs on average power consumption for each block during hot weather. And then instead of a flex alert we need a leaderboard - the blocks which save the most power are safe, and the blocks that do the worst are the first to get shut off.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Better Rotating Outages #etc #pge #power Make a leaderboard game out of flex alerts and punish blocks that do the worst instead of random power cuts. )

A black lab chases a Roomba and then things start to get weird...

A black lab chases a Roomba and then things start to get weird...

Another experiment with Stable Diffusion (see my San Francisco skyline video from earlier today). This one uses img2img instead of txt2img. I started with a video of my dog following the Roomba around the house. I dumped all the frames out and then used Stable Diffusion with the strength parameter ramping up from 0.0 (source image preserved) to 1.0 (source image ignored) and a scale of 11.5. The prompt was "illustration of a black labrador being chased by a giant scary roomba trending on deviant art". The frame at the top maybe best captures this concept. I used Gigapixel AI to scale the output back up to 4K resolution and then added the original soundtrack.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: A black lab chases a Roomba and then things start to get weird... #etc #video #animation #stablediffusion #4k #ml Stable Diffusion img2img generated from a video of a dog chasing a Roomba. )

Stable Diffusion Animation of Scale Parameter

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Thursday, September 22, 2022.

San Francisco shrouded by fog, Stable Diffusion, scale 0

Here is a video created by animating the scale parameter in Stable Diffusion:

This uses the prompt "a photo of San Francisco shrouded by fog 8k landscape trending on artstation", seed 56345, dimensions 896x448 and frames that range from scale 0.0 to 21.9. The higher the scale the more literally your prompt should be interpreted.

Interesting at scale 0 Stable Diffusion seems to think San Francisco is a diverse crowd of people protesting something (and it's not wrong):

San Francisco shrouded by fog, Stable Diffusion, scale 21.9

From there is settles on a foreground quickly, experiments with various numbers of Transamerica Pyramids and then starts throwing in various permutations of the Golden Gate Bridge. It eventually decides that the Transamerica Pyramid belongs in Marin and that the bridge is so iconic that the city is probably filled with red aircraft warnings lights.

I think the versions a third of the way in are the best.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Stable Diffusion Animation of Scale Parameter #etc #video #ml #stablediffusion Animation of San Francisco in fog created by Stable Diffusion and increasing the scale parameter. )

Photo Sorter 1.20

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Sunday, October 2, 2022.

Photo Sorter 1.20

Photo Sorter has been updated to handle some duplicates I've been developing in Google Photos. These are pretty specific rules but might be helpful if you are trying to maintain a local archive from Google Photos via Google Takeout. You can get the latest binary and source from github (or fork away if it's not quite what you need).

The first change is that Photo Sorter now checks for duplicates in the source folder as well as the destination. If two source files have the same date taken and the same filename then the larger file is chosen as the winner and the smaller file is deleted. The filename check ignores anything in parentheses, so 123.jpg is considered to be the same filename as 123(1).jpg. This helps alleviate a fun bug where Google Photos will export via the API a different file that was originally uploaded. I've stopped using the Google Photos API for this reason, and because it will under no circumstances allow you to download a video that is the same quality as the original upload. Crazy edge case Google. Happily Google Takeout still works so I'm stuck doing it slowly and wastefully.

The second change is that if a source duplicate is found using the rules above then it will also be deleted from the destination folder (in order to be replaced by the presumed better version of itself).

Photo Sorter copies some folder full of photos and movies to a different folder with a clean structure and some de-duplication. It's been keeping me sane since 2018.

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Book reviews for August 2022

The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie

The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie



Rising Tiger (Scot Harvath #21) by Brad Thor

Rising Tiger (Scot Harvath #21) by Brad Thor



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ITHCWY Newsletter for August 2022


Catfood WebCamSaver 3.29 is available for download.

UK Update - three things that have changed beyond recognition in the last four years.

Some timelapse: sunset in Wales, milky way in Wales and various sunsets over Waterloo Station in London.

I'm inching closer to actually building this evil calendar to stamp out B2B spam. Does anyone want to help?

HBR gets patent reform wrong.

I said I wouldn't, but here is how to control LIFX WiFi light bulbs from Google Apps Script.

What is Microsoft thinking with Bluetooth settings on Windows 11?

Slow motion video of the One O'clock Gun firing at Edinburgh Castle. ISS over Wales. And a lucky shot of a meteor.


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