January 18th is Internet blackout day to protest against SOPA and PIPA. As I'm writing this post 6,988,056,464 people still don't read ITHCWY, so I'm taking part by blacking out my software site, catfood.net, which gets substantially more traffic.
By Robert Ellison. Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015.
I've just spent several hours scanning and then shredding tedious statements, medical documents and other nasty paperwork. This is even after I've gone paperless with as many companies as possible. Very tedious, not to mention a monumental waste of time and money.
The companies that are paperless vary in what gets stored, for how long and in what format. And if I ever need some statement from years ago I may not even still have an account. I seem to change medical insurance at least twice a year at the moment.
How about a common standard for pushing paperless whatevers out to a third party storage service? These could go directly to Evernote, SugarSync, etc and bypass the post-scan-shred cycle of doom. Just send a PDF, a date, a summary and maybe a service type. Make it easy (or mandatory) to opt in when signing up to each new bank account, health insurer, wireless carrier, etc. Make the world a slightly greener and slightly less boring place.
(Published to the Fediverse as:
Better Paperless #etc#paperless#evernote#sugarsync We should have a standard to send junk-ish mail directly to the cloud service of your choice.)
The video of US Marines urinating on corpses is shocking and counterproductive. But it's not the worst thing that happened to the victims that day. More shocking, and more damaging to the US is that at the same time Guantanamo marked its 10 year anniversary. While the Republican Presidential hopefuls fight over who will be the first to invade Iran. But go ahead, spin up the news cycle for the sideshow.
The photograph titled "Farallon Islands" presents a serene view of the islands as distant silhouettes on the horizon, surrounded by the vastness of the sea and sky. The islands are mere whispers against a soft blue canvas, their muted colors blending seamlessly with the tranquil ocean. The sea stretches out in a calm expanse, its surface mirroring various shades of blue that gradually deepen as they reach the horizon. Above, the sky is a light, powdery blue with no visible clouds, offering a clear, unobstructed backdrop to the understated spectacle below.
In terms of composition, the photograph adheres to a minimalist style, emphasizing the tranquil simplicity of the scene. The islands rest slightly off-center, invoking the rule of thirds and drawing the viewer's gaze gently across the image. The horizon, perfectly horizontal, divides the frame into two harmonious halves of sea and sky, enhancing the sense of equilibrium. While the simplicity of the scene is calming, the photo might benefit from an element of foreground interest to add depth and intrigue. The lack of texture or detail might leave some viewers yearning for focal variety, but for others, this simplicity might precisely evoke the serene isolation of the Farallon Islands themselves.
(Published to the Fediverse as:
Farallon Islands #photo#farallon#funston Photo of the Farallon Islands from Fort Funston in San Francisco, California.)
By Robert Ellison. Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015.
I finally got round to actually reading SOPA and PIPA.
I make my living from intellectual property, it's my hobby as well. I also used to work at Macrovision, at the time the leading anti-piracy company for Hollywood, software, music and games. I understand the sentiment behind the legislation and agree that theft of IP causes real harm. I'd love to see the pirate sites vaporized. But not at the expense of undermining the fundamental architecture of the Internet.
The most controversial penalties are removing sites from search results and DNS combined with a shield from prosecution for sites that comply with requests voluntarily or even preemptively.
It's an insidious infrastructure tax comparable to requiring the phone company from removing you from their directory and taxi drivers to shrug their shoulders and pretend they don't know where you live. It also inverts the DMCA approach of holding sites harmless provided that they respond to take down notices.
Worse still, the legislation would make it illegal to provide a product or service that circumvents these penalties. Because the proposed remedy to piracy is censoring the Internet this equates to making anti-censorship software illegal.
It's not even like mucking with DNS will be effective. People who want to steal movies will still be able to find them. These are bad laws. Sign a petition and contact your congresspeople to help put the brakes on.
This brings me to a piece on KQED where Rick Cotton from NBC says:
But these new forms of distribution that all of the content providers are embracing cannot compete against stolen, cannot compete against free.
Which sounds like bad news for a company in the business of competing with free. Luckily this isn't true. People happily pay for speed, quality, convenience, features, support, kudos, reputation, collection. Yes, some people will never pay. It's not worth the decreasing returns to go after them both to your company and as with SOPA/PIPA to society as a whole.
Instead of having Congress censor search results for you grow a pair and use some SEO. Fill the search engines with legitimate ways to access your content. Invent new windows. Treat piracy as market research for unmet needs.
How about a streaming service for parents who can't get to the cinema that often? I'd happily pay a premium - two tickets, parking, popcorn equivalent - and it's money you're not getting now while I have to wait for a film to eventually show up on Netflix.
Release raw footage for an episode every season and have a competition for who can cut together the best episode. Embrace the Internet rather than fighting it.
Don't spend your time and energy and money on SOPA/PIPA and other attempts to fight a battle that can't be won.
(Published to the Fediverse as:
More on breaking the Internet #politics#sopa#pipa#dmca#dns Why SOPA and PIPA are terrible ideas and what to do instead.)
By Robert Ellison. Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015.
Jiri Novotny at Dextronet wrote a great post this week on improving installers for micro-ISVs.
One essential that I'd add is writing your installer early and including it as part of the build process. It's the first thing that potential customers see and leaving the installer to the last minute is a huge mistake. You should be testing with a complete installer as pretty much the first milestone in any new project.
For Windows products I'd recommend WiX. It's easy to learn, and easy to include in your build. The latest beta includes Burn, a bootstrapper to install dependencies before the main MSI runs. I'm sick of having to do this part myself and I can't wait for Burn to become a stable part of WiX.
(Published to the Fediverse as:
Installation: Early and Often #etc#uisv#msi#installation For desktop software the installer should be part of your continuous integration process as early as possible,)
Testing posting by email with a picture of the moon from last night...
I've extended BlogEngine.NET to post by email. Not horrible for the very specific case of this blog and a short list of email clients. I shudder to think of extending it to the general emails and different templates.
(Published to the Fediverse as:
Moon on a Wire #code#blogengine.net Picture of the Moon close to a wire. This is actually a test of posting by email from blogengine.net.)
So I guess the current sets not for girls include Alien Conquest, Architecture, Atlantis, Cars 2, City, Creator, Harry Potter, Hero Factory, Heroica, Kingdoms, Mindstorms, Ninjago, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pharaoh’s Quest, Prince of Persia, Racers, Spongebob Squarepants, Star Wars, Technic, Toy Story and World Racers.
I know they’ve tried this before, but still, how about LEGO Vikings: The new LEGO theme – for Danes!
By Robert Ellison. Updated on Monday, September 19, 2022.
I’ve just released a small update to Catfood.Shapefile. Stephan Stapel, who implemented PolyLineM support, has contributed a patch that improves the class hierarchy. CodePlex user originSH suggested supporting the ACE driver for 64-bit systems. I’ve added a constructor overload that allows you to use predefined Jet and ACE connection strings or provide your own templates if necessary. Thanks to Stephan and originSH.
Catfood.Shapefile is a .NET library for enumerating ESRI shapefiles. I originally wrote the library to help me build some complex layers in Catfood Earth. Since then it’s picked up thousands of users and some really valuable suggestions and patches from the CodePlex community. I’m very glad a took a couple of hours to open source the library back in 2009.