Fortune Cookies for Android 1.50
Fortune Cookies for Android 1.50 is now available in the Google Play Store.
This update was driven by Google insisting that I target API level 34. Which is fair enough and I figured this would be a five minute task followed by a smooth release. I should have known better.
Of course the starting point is updating Visual Studio, updating the Android SDK, learning that my emulator won't launch any more and eventually coaxing it back to life. That's a couple of hours. Why this doesn't just happen when I'm doing other things I don't know, but for dev tools this has to be a ceremony.
Once all of that was done I learned that Xamarin was officially deprecated in May. I'm going to have to figure out MAUI.
There is a helpful migration page with this gob smacking advice:
"Once your dependencies are resolved and your code and resource files are added to your .NET native project, you should build your project. Any errors will guide you towards next steps."
I think they hired Yoda:
"Errors, they are. Guide you, they will, towards your next steps. Warnings, hmm, check them out you must... eventually. But information issues? Merely whispers they are, nudging you towards shiny new platform features, yes! Listen, you might, if time you have."
Anyway... the actual mechanics of getting this working in MAUI were not that bad. It could be that I need to reinstall my system with extreme prejudice but the platform itself seems to be very unstable. I constantly got Visual Studio and cryptic compile errors that went away on rebuild or a restart. Starting the android emulator has completely frozen my system several times requiring a hard reboot. I don't think I've had that experience since the Clinton administration.
Once it was finally working the Google Play Developer console wanted my "private" key, which I gave it; and to have a conversation about my tax situation in Cuba, which I'm ignoring for now.
As well as a brand new API target Fortune has a nifty new color scheme, a floating action button with a little fortune cookie on it, and will ask you nicely for permission to send notifications.
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(Published to the Fediverse as: Fortune Cookies for Android 1.50 #code #fortune #software #cookie #catfood #xamarin #maui Catfood Fortune for Android is based on the UNIX command of the same name and will display a random and possibly no longer socially acceptable fortune from a less civilized era. )
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