Fort Funston in the rain

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Saturday, July 18, 2020.

Fort Funston

(view in Google Earth).

This is the short version of our Fort Funston walk (the long version is here). Depending on the tide and the height of the sand it's sometimes not easy to get past a couple of sewage outlet pipes. Today's walk was wet with a high tide so we turned left at the bottom of the sand ladder and just walked along the beach and back. The longer version is to turn right and complete a three mile loop.


Rob and Rudy

Hike starts at: 37.714211, -122.502257383333.

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(Hike Map)

(Published to the Fediverse as: Fort Funston in the rain #hike #ggnra #fortfunston #sanfrancisco Shorter hike at Fort Funston (GGNRA) in San Francisco, California. )



Love to see all the Fort Funston posts I get on my Google alert. Check out for info re Fort Funston and off-leash use.

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