Milagra Ridge

Milagra Ridge in Pacifica

Starting from this parking area makes for a brisk walk up to Milagra Ridge and then a nice loop at the top before returning by the same trail. Milagra Ridge used to be a Nike missile site (SF-51), still has some WWII remains (Battery #244) and a reservoir. I thought it looked like a nice enough day to brave Pacifica but by the time I'd loaded the dog and driven down the fog had swept in. Still a pleasant 3 mile hike.

Hike starts at: 37.643146, -122.488815. View in Google Earth.

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(Hike Map)

(Published to the Fediverse as: Milagra Ridge #hike #video #pacifica #sfdogwalk #hikevid #map A 3 mile loop hike at Milagra Ridge (GGNRA) in Pacifica, California )


Hike Profile

2.59 miles, 521 feet total elevation gain (estimated from GPS track).


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