News: Facebook defends its simple 2 question survey on the trustworthiness of news publishers

Updated on Friday, May 22, 2020

Banner Chat

Chat Notifications and Chat Banner Notifications in Skype

I'm hoping that a chat banner notification is for really great chats only and not some subtle distinction between chat notification types that I can't figure out even after some moderate to heavy googling. If anyone knows seriously please tell me.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Banner Chat #etc #skype What is the difference between chat notifications and chat banner notifications in Skype? )

Painted Lady Butterflies Eclosing

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

Butterfly ecloses from chrysalis

Four Painted Lady butterflies eclose (emerge) from their chrysalises. The video has a timelapse and then realtime video of each butterfly in turn.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Painted Lady Butterflies Eclosing #etc #video #butterfly #chrysalis #eclose Timelapse and realtime video of four Painted Lady butterflies eclosing (emerging) from their chrysalises )

Subscribe via Messenger

Updated on Sunday, November 6, 2022

Thanks to you can now subscribe to I Thought He Came With You on Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Slack and/or Chrome Notifications. To sign up visit ITHCWY on

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Die PDF Die

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC needs a reboot after updating

If I need to reboot to view a PDF then you must be doing something very badly wrong Adobe.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Die PDF Die #etc #adobe #pdf Why do I need to reboot Acrobat Reader DC after an update? Don't reply, that's a rhetorical question. )


Kindle New York Times Nonfiction Bestsellers including Stephen King and Margaret Atword

The Kindle nonfiction list has become a bit alarming recently.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Nonfiction #etc #amazon #kindle According to the New York Times Nonfiction Bestsellers list on Kindle Stephen King and Margaret Atwood are no longer fiction... )

Backyard Visits

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

A spider glows in infrared

I have a Nest camera in my backyard. So far it has caught zero criminals. It's not completely useless though as it has captured many raccoons, several skunks, eerie spiders glowing in the infrared lights, a couple of rats and one cat. Parkside police say I can stop calling now.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Backyard Visits #etc #video #nest A Nest camera catches many raccoons, several skunks, eerie spiders, a couple of rats and one cat. )

Important to you

Updated on Sunday, October 23, 2022

HOWTO: Fix Twitter

Updated on Sunday, August 8, 2021

HOWTO: Fix Twitter

Wired (and everyone else) is reporting that Twitter is finally testing longer tweets. Maybe 280 characters! I had a better fix six years ago:

ITHCWY: Twitter: Put some status in status updates: Give me an extra character for every year that I’ve been with…

— Robert Ellison (@abfo) July 8, 2011

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(Published to the Fediverse as: HOWTO: Fix Twitter #etc #twitter HOWTO: Fix Twitter - instead of upping the limit to 240 characters drip out an extra character a year, and for good behavior. )

San Francisco Street Tree Datalapse

Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022

San Francisco Street Tree Datalapse

A datalapse video of San Francisco street trees:

City elevation contours and street tree database  from DataSF. I included all trees with a latitude, longitude and known planting date. On the visualization trees grow over 25 years to a generally exaggerated 25 meters radius. Each species of tree is assigned a random color.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: San Francisco Street Tree Datalapse #etc #datalapse #sanfrancisco #trees #video Animation of all the known trees in San Francisco (from Data SF). )