AI Wishlist: Use email to reply to voicemail

An AI makes a phone call for me

Google tried this with Duplex, but for the solved use case of making a restaurant booking. The restaurants didn't like it and we didn't need it.

What I want is - transcribe my voicemail and send me an email. During that step drop any obvious spam. If I choose to reply to the email phone the person back, repeatedly, until you get them on the line and convey the reply and take down any response.

This looks like Twilio for the telephony, Whisper for the transcription and OpenAI realtime for the conversation. Do I want it badly enough to build it? Maybe. I should do this first though.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: AI Wishlist: Use email to reply to voicemail #etc #lazyweb #openai #voicemail #email Use LLMs, OpenAI realtime, Whisper and Twilio to prevent the scourge of real time communication. )

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