ITHCWY Newsletter for February 2023
Timelapse of some great clouds after the January storms in California.
Here's an animation of ten years of San Francisco 311 cases using photos and locations.
I've started a new more comprehensive review format that includes TV, Movies and Podcasts. Check out January and February.
My Echo Show is driving me nuts.
If you're into reading ESRI Shapefiles in .NET my library has migrated to .NET Standard and is now on NuGet. Read more. And enjoy this shapefile based zoom to my neighborhood.
Hikes to Phantom Falls and Shell Ridge Open Space.
Related posts are now way more related thanks to moving from Word2Vec to OpenAI embeddings. I've also been reluctantly moving to Google Analytics 4. Here are some API tips.
- 2022: Monitor page index status with Google Sheets, Apps Script and the Google Search Console API
- 2021: Pandemic Gas Mystery
- 2020: EAT
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