Las Trampas Wilderness
Las Trampas (the Traps - for elk apparently) is a steep climb up to a gorgeous ridge followed by a slow wind back to the staging area. We wimped out of adding a detour to Devil's Hole due to the heat and the advice of a fellow hiker.
Rudy and Gill with Mt. Diablo in the background.
Rudy, forced to walk up the hill again just for a photo.
(4.86 miles, total elevation gain 2,920 feet, 2 hours 7 minutes (average 2.29 mph), view in Google Earth)
Hike starts at: 37.816233, -122.051267.
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(Hike Map)
(Published to the Fediverse as: Las Trampas Wilderness #hike #lastrampas Gorgeous 5 mile hike in the Las Trampas Wilderness )
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