Skype for Android 4 - Better but Useless

Updated on Saturday, October 1, 2022

Skype just released a completely rewritten version of their Android client.

It's a nice streamlined UI and for the first time on Android it actually loads the 15,422 chats I'm required to participate in work and is usable and responsive. I've used it for a few days and really want to like it.


Even though it's faster and prettier it still destroys battery life. ad manage to handle multiple networks all day without putting a noticeable dent int the battery. With Skype up and running my phone is dead by the early evening. It's useless.

They also haven't fixed syncing the read state of messages which is the worst deficiency of Skype on both mobile and the desktop. did this wonderfully until Skype cut them off at the kneecaps.

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