I can't post a single photo
You'd think Facebook or Twitter could scrape together a semi-functional Android client but apparently not.
Twitter has some size limit for photo uploads. In a sane world the client would resize a photo that was too large and just get on with it. Table stakes would be an error message. But no, it pretends everything is just peachy and then fails to upload. To post a photo to Twitter I have to remember to go into the camera settings and ratchet down the megapixels which I remember to do about never.
Facebook used to work occasionally but now just dumps an ugly immobile progress bar that won't go away until I reboot the phone.
Google+ probably works fine technically but if a photo is uploaded to a forest and there is nobody there to see it is that still in any sense counted as success?
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(Published to the Fediverse as: I can't post a single photo #etc #facebook #twitter Twitter and Facebook both failing to upload photos on Android (probably fixed now but still...) )
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