How to get SEO credit for Facebook Comments (the missing manual)

Updated on Sunday, September 30, 2018

How to get SEO credit for Facebook Comments (the missing manual)

I've been using the Facebook Comments Box on this blog since I parted ways with Disqus. One issue with the Facebook system is that you won't get SEO credit for comments displayed in an iframe. They have an API to retrieve comments but the documentation is pretty light and so here are three critical tips to get it working.

The first thing to know is that comments can be nested. Once you've got a list of comments to enumerate through you need to check each comment to see if it has it's own list of comments and so on. This is pretty easy to handle.

The second thing is that the first page of JSON returned from the API is totally different from the other pages. This is crazy and can bite you if you don't test it thoroughly. For the first page is The second page is embedded at the bottom of the first page and is currently (if that link is broken check the first page for a new one). The path to the comment list is "" -> "comments" -> "data" on the first page and just "data" on the second. So you need to handle both formats as well as the URL being included as the root object on the first page. Don't know why this would be the case, just need to handle it.

Last but not least you want to include the comments in a way that can be indexed by search engines but not visible to regular site visitors. I've found that including the SEO list in the tag does the trick, i.e.

I've included the source code for an ASP.NET user control below - this is the code I'm using on the blog. You can see an example of the output on any page with Facebook comments. The code uses



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(Published to the Fediverse as: How to get SEO credit for Facebook Comments (the missing manual) #etc #facebook #seo #comments Optimize Facebook comments for SEO by using the API to add comment text before loading the comment box via JavaScript (C# implementation but principle will work anywhere). )


Nguyen van Phuc
good job
Robert Ellison
How to get SEO value for Facebook Comments (aka wrestling with user-hostile JSON).

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