Hope for Hulu?

Updated on Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Hope for Hulu?

Probably not.

I tore into Hulu last year for the miserable user experience, dreary ads and vanishing content.

Back then I estimated that Hulu could ditch the ads for another $6 a month. TechCrunch is reporting today (via the Wall Street Journal) that Hulu is considering an ad free tier for $12-$14 a month. $14 would be a $6 bump over current pricing. If they can fix the UX as well I'll be back in. And I still want my OTT TiVo.


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(Published to the Fediverse as: Hope for Hulu? #etc #hulu #tivo #ott I nailed the cost of an ad-free Hulu experience, but it's still the one streaming service I'll never pay for. )

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