Hi Gary - could you use the original URL for this? I.e. point Weather Underground at the public URL for the cam? Probably don't need to save to Google Drive if you just want the latest image.
Works great with latest Nest outdoor cam for me. Perfect for timelapse. But is there a way to save to a "static" file to use on something like weather underground? I messed around by saving it to a file name, instead of "timestamp" but google drive just keeps saving multiple files with the same name instead of overwriting the old file.
Thanks Gary
Just tried with a new nest cam that I hadn't shared before and it worked for me. Go to camera sharing in settings, share publicly, go to the 'share this link' URL, view source and find the og:image meta property. The cam I tested is a Nest Outdoor cam and it doesn't allow a height of 1280 but 1000 works fine. If you have the cam shared send me the URL by email ([email protected]) and I can take a look.
Unfortunately I have a relatively new Nest Cam and can't find the UUID or URL for the still image. I don't think Nest Cam now allows an image to be grabbed via a script such as this. Am I correct? Great weather spot but old Ambient Cam has failed but have Nest Cam. Help appreciated.
RT Ryan
Works! Just tried my old drop cam. At least I can get some free usage out of it!
Worked like a charm. Thanks!
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