Not to be anal but (any number of dogs...)
Google is going to start ranking pages based on facts. I'm game. This MUNI sign has always bothered me.
The highest capacity vehicle in the MUNI fleet has to be a two-car light rail vehicle. Capacity 436 people. The average weight of a person is 185 pounds. So we're looking at 80,660 pounds per rush hour train.
The lightest dog is a 1.4 pound Chihuahua named Ducky.
So at the absolute outside with no other passengers the limit is 57,614 dogs. I'm going to have to make some stickers...
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(Published to the Fediverse as: Not to be anal but (any number of dogs...) #etc #muni #google How many dogs can you fit on a MUNI vehicle? It's an important question. The upper bound is something like... )
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