Links for November 2023
The 'New' label from the New Microsoft Teams Taskbar Icon.
Go vote for this! I can't cope without a notification icon badge in Teams.
The 'New' label from the New Microsoft Teams Taskbar Icon.
Go vote for this! I can't cope without a notification icon badge in Teams.
Windows 11 Broken Notifications
I just want to get rid of Windows 10 Notifications with one click
Accessing Printer Press ESC to cancel
International Date Line Longitude, Latitude Coordinates
3D Printing a discreet wall mount shelf for the Aura Carver Mat
3D Printing a Window Mount for a Google Nest Indoor Wired Gen 2 Camera
Is it safe to open securedoc.html (Cisco Registered Envelope)?
Animation of US PM2.5 Air Pollution in 2023
3D Printing a 72-58mm step down Camera Filter Adapter
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