Have we Already Proved that the Simulation Hypothesis is False?
A couple of years ago a spate of articles claimed that there was proof that the simulation hypothesis was false, like Sorry, Elon. Physicists Say We Definitely Aren’t Living in a Computer Simulation in Futurism:
"A recent study by theoretical physicists from Oxford University in the U.K., which was published in the journal Scientific Advances just last week, definitively confirms that life and reality aren’t products of a computer simulation."
Strong statement. This is because they determined that running a simulation of a small quantum system was intractable:
"To store information about a couple hundred electrons, they noted, one needs a computer memory that requires more atoms than what’s available in the universe."
This might have something to say about what we can simulate on a classical computer in our universe, but it has no bearing on if our universe is itself simulated. If it is we have no idea what kind of computer is doing the simulating, nor what the physical laws are of the universe where that computer is running, nor even how many atoms it has at its disposal.
It's okay Elon, you still might be on to something.
Simulation Hypothesis Series
(Published to the Fediverse as: Have we Already Proved that the Simulation Hypothesis is False? #etc #simulationhypothesis Oxford University confirms that we don't live in a simulation - but they haven't proved what they think they've proved. )
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