BBC My Sounds, hiding podcasts behind a 'Beware of the Leopard' sign.

Updated on Friday, June 10, 2022

BBC My Sounds, hiding podcasts behind a 'Beware of the Leopard' sign.

I just want to listen to Friday Night Comedy on Radio 4.

It used to be the case that this was safely subscribed in my podcast app (I use Podkicker Pro) and so each new episode would download to my feed when released.

The BBC has decided to fix the problem of me getting the program I want to listen to automatically and conveniently. If I want my comedy I have to install My Sounds. When Spotify tried this with Science Vs I just stopped listening. I have plenty of other science podcasts but The Now Show and the News Quiz are irreplaceable. So maybe I could cope with one walled garden.

My Sounds says it will notify you when new episodes are available. It does not.

My Sounds has a My Sounds tab which lists Latest programs. I'm writing this on April 2 and the most recent episode of Friday Night Comedy is from March 25.

BBC My Sounds, hiding podcasts behind a 'Beware of the Leopard' sign.

Only if I go into Subscribed, and then the program page for Friday Night Comedy does it finally admit that there is an episode from April 1.

BBC My Sounds, hiding podcasts behind a 'Beware of the Leopard' sign.

So I'm forced to install an app that not only fails to notify me of new episodes of subscribed programs but actively hides them in the basement behind a beware of the leopard sign. BBC, maybe get the app working before forcing me into it? I would rather pay to subscribe to an RSS feed than deal with My Sounds.

I'd take the time to leave a one star review, but in its infinite wisdom Google doesn't allow paying customers to leave app reviews.

Updated 2022-05-06 11:32:

BBC My Sounds, hiding podcasts behind a 'Beware of the Leopard' sign.

Having been forced into the excreable BBC My Sounds at least it supports downloading an episode to listen to on the plane right?

Updated 2022-05-06 11:33:

BBC My Sounds, hiding podcasts behind a 'Beware of the Leopard' sign.

Does it fuck. BBC, please fix this and then try asking nicely?

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(Published to the Fediverse as: BBC My Sounds, hiding podcasts behind a 'Beware of the Leopard' sign. #etc #bbc #radio4 #google #podcast BBC My Sounds fails to send notifications, fails to have new episodes on the Latest My Sounds Page and is therefore the worst podcasting app ever. Thanks for forcing us to use it BBC. )



The other thing that is annoying is that anything which isn't broadcast on the radio is unavailable on BBC Sounds.

In particular, this affects sports coverage. A lot of the Formula 1 and cricket coverage is only available from the BBC Sport Web Site and when it's only available there, you can't listen again to it.

To get around the F1 issue at the British Grand Prix, they actually broadcast the race on BBC Radio Nottingham. However, the "immense" first-ever sprint race on the Saturday wasn't broadcast on BBC Radio Nottingham and thus wasn't available to listen to again afterwards, as it also wasn't on 5 Live or 5 Live Sports Extra either! The F1 commentary team were talking it up and rightly so but the BBC didn't back them by making it available to listen to later.


I'm not sure what the BBC thinks it's doing, but I never understand how it works. For me, the most popular section was a great way of finding what is good that week, but why put the most popular secetion at the bottom, surely that should be at the top? Now I can't even find it. Obvouisly most popular section wasn't popular.

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