Hi Robert,
Thank you again for your time, all working fine again now, it was exactly as you advised, anti virus blocking the download (3.20). I should have known better really.
Very pleased to have this up and running again and can't thank you enough.
Best regards,
Mark, the error is that Catfood WebCamSaver is failing to save settings to a file. It's in your Windows profile so it should have access. It's possible that some other program has the file open and that is causing the problem - this can happen with virus checkers (you could try excluding the specific folder above) or sometimes backup programs (i.e. if that folder is being monitored by Google Drive or something similar). If that doesn't help fix the problem the only other suggestion I can think of would be to delete the file and try again (you'll lose any existing setting changes in this case).
Hi Robert,
I have tried to download the new version and it says "something has gone horribly wrong" with the below error message, I have tried uninstalling the original version as well but it's not helped.
Bit of a shame as I really like the live camera screen saver but I am no longer able to change any of the settings i.e. which camera's, change over time etc.
Many thanks for you patience on this one.
Best regards,
Catfood WebCamSaver Error Report
Framework: 2.0.50727.8806
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
Exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Local\Catfood Software\Catfood WebCamSaver\WebCamSaver.xml' is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
Mark, if you are still having problems there is a new version available for download that does not require registration (3.20) - please try this and let me know here if you are still having any problems.
Mark, you shouldn't need to register any more. If you need to use the key and email address listed on the Catfood Software page (linked to in the main post on this page).
I would like to register for the webcamsaver please Key number is 3779
Hi Robert,
Thank you for your response, the error message below comes up every time I try to change any of the settings, it's been like it for about 12 months now and not really sure when it started.
Many thanks,
Catfood WebCamSaver Error Report
Framework: 2.0.50727.8806
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
Exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Local\Catfood Software
Hi Mark, can you be more specific? What is the error message and when does it happen?
I'm trying to update catfood webcamsaver to get functionality back but I keep getting an error message,
Can you help?
Regarding sun and moon - maybe, it's been on my list for a possible new layer for a while. No promises that this will happen any time soon but watch the blog for updates...
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