Any chance you could put the sun and moon in Catfood Earth desktop?
That's odd. Which state / area / radar type are you using?
Thanks for the update to replace the clouds layer. I notice that the "weather radar" layer shows nothing. Actually, in the many years -- and several Windows OS versions -- that I've been using your wonderful screen saver and wallpaper, I've never seen weather radar displayed. Any guess as to why?
Cool! It still gets downloaded even now that it's pretty well hidden. Liquid democracy is pretty interesting but needs a better name and some marketing...
still love this. thanks Rob. hope all is well. liquid democracy article was kinda fun.
I'd just install the latest version linked from the Downloads page.
as an old customer with a new computer what version of CATFOOD EARTH do you suggest?
As an ols customer with a new more powerful computer my Q is this:
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