Book reviews for May 2020

Use of Force (Scot Harvath #17) by Brad Thor

Use of Force (Scot Harvath #17) by Brad Thor


I've been trying to put my finger on why Scot Harvath is only OK and I think it's because he's so awesome that he never really suffers from any setbacks. Everything kind of clicks into place for him and he always remembered to bring the right tactical dodad for the job. Nearly there...


Bone Silence (Revenger, #3) by Alastair Reynolds

Bone Silence (Revenger, #3) by Alastair Reynolds


The Revenger series comes to a close and my only regret is reading the books when published - with a sizable gap in between it can be a challenge to come back up to speed. It's a thrilling swashbuckling ride and wraps up the mystery of the quoins and the occupations. I hope he comes back to this universe at some point.


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