West Portal Timelapse of Timelapses
This is the third and strangest video in my series of timelapses from West Portal, San Francisco.
Each frame is a single-frame timelapse where each vertical line is from a different time of day. 4,320 photos go into each frame over 24 hours. The video covers 366 days (from June 21, 2015 to June 20, 2016 - summer solstice to summer solstice) so 1,581,120 photos total. For the video I also generated a ten frame fade between each SFTL shot to try and make the whole thing a little more comprehensible.
Photos were captured using a Google Apps Script that I wrote to pull frames from a Nest Cam / DropCam to Google Drive and then downloaded and processed around once a week for the past year.
Music is Erratic Revenge by JukeDeck.
I have one more coming...
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(Published to the Fediverse as: West Portal Timelapse of Timelapses #timelapse #westportal #sftl #solstice #video Time lapse created from single frame time lapse photos over the course of a year from West Portal, San Francisco. 1,581,120 photos in a two minute video. )
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