West Portal Timelapse of Timelapses

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Saturday, February 19, 2022.

West Portal Timelapse of Timelapses

This is the third and strangest video in my series of timelapses from West Portal, San Francisco.

Each frame is a single-frame timelapse where each vertical line is from a different time of day. 4,320 photos go into each frame over 24 hours. The video covers 366 days (from June 21, 2015 to June 20, 2016 - summer solstice to summer solstice) so 1,581,120 photos total. For the video I also generated a ten frame fade between each SFTL shot to try and make the whole thing a little more comprehensible.

Photos were captured using a Google Apps Script that I wrote to pull frames from a Nest Cam / DropCam to Google Drive and then downloaded and processed around once a week for the past year.

Music is Erratic Revenge by JukeDeck.

I have one more coming...

(Previously, Previously)

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