Export Google Fit Daily Steps, Weight and Distance to a Google Sheet

Updated on Monday, July 22, 2024

Comments Page 21

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Hi Robert,

Thanks for writeup and code, I was able to set it up and pull my steps. I see you helped Emerson out with a script to pull distance in the comments. I assume theres a way to combine these into a single script to pull both into the same spreadsheet? Also, what other data is accessible from the Fit API? Is there a way to pull duration (Move Minutes)?



Robert Ellison

Hi Emerson, You're nearly there. com.google.distance.delta is right for the dataTypeName, you need derived:com.google.distance.delta:com.google.android.gms:merge_distance_delta for the dataSourceId. Here's the full code for a working sample:


Hi Robert,

I from Brasil and wanna thanks for taking time to post this!!

I need to get the distance (km) from my Workouts.

I tried to replace some lines in your code:


.setScope('xxxx.googleapis.com/auth/fitness.activity.read xxxxx.googleapis.com/auth/fitness.location.read')


var request = {

"aggregateBy": [{

"dataTypeName": "com.google.location.sample",

"dataSourceId": "derived:com.google.location.bounding_box:com.google.android.gms:aggregated"

}, {

"dataTypeName": "com.google.distance.delta"


But received the error 400: "datasource not found"

I tried a lot of options to replace the "googleapis.com/fitness/v1/users/me/dataset:aggregate", but nothing work.

Can you help me?

Robert Ellison

Vinay, the weight script worked for me the first time I ran it and then stopped. It looks like it should never have worked because it's missing a scope (fitness.body.read). Requesting that scope doesn't trigger re-authorization either so I added a method to clear the script property store. So, you should use the version below and run clearProps() from the script editor before authorizing again from the spreadsheet and then you should be good.

Treasa Lynch

I disagree that Google Fit is a great way to keep count of steps now that they have changed the user interface. All of the above should not be necessary to get the data out. It is a basic requirement in a fitness app. If Google doesn't provide it as a straight forward piece of data when it is inflicting heart points which I don't want or need on me, then the app has ceased to be any use at all.

Robert Ellison

Vinay, one more thing on weight. It looks like com.google.weight.summary will only return data if you recorded a weight measurement in the date range. It doesn't do anything sensible like assume your weight is the same until a new reading is entered. So need to handle this and ignore days without data.

Robert Ellison

Andrew - I found some time today. The code above has been updated with a simple loop and menu item to load history. You need to add a History tab to the sheet with the same headers and then run the new menu item to load 30 days of step count data. If you need more then just change the numbers in the getHistory function. 1 and 30 pulls from 1 day ago to 30 days ago, you could change to 31 and 60 to grab the next 30 days of data. This is a quick hack that makes an API call for each day so you might run out of quota if you try to do too much in one day. Good luck, let me know if this helps.

Robert Ellison

Andrew, I'll try to provide some more sample code but probably won't have time until the weekend.


Hi Robert, thanks for the quick response.

I really want to have all historic data in a google sheet: specifically calories burnt per day, or activity level (steps or minutes) per day from back as early as 2015 when I started using the app.

When you say:

"You could pass a parameter into getSteps for the number of days ago and then loop through as much history as you need."

Could you be a bit more specific/step-by-step. This is my first ever project even opening up script editor.

Robert Ellison

Hi Andrew, for older data see the date logic at the top of getSteps (i.e. setDate(start.getDate()-1)). By changing the two -1 values to -2 you'd get the day before yesterday. You could pass a parameter into getSteps for the number of days ago and then loop through as much history as you need. For calories it looks like com.google.calories.expended is probably the right dataSourceId. See the previous couple of comments for a discussion of getting weight, this would be a similar adaptation.

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