Hi Ois, I don't have a device with sleep data so I've never looked at getting this working. Check this comment and see if it helps.
Hi Robert, first off, brilliant blog post, you've managed to make a complicated setup very straightforward.
I'm guessing reading sleep data will not be so straightforward. Do you have any recommendations on tackling it, by the looks of it i might need a second script to read each sleep event for the day i.e. light, REM etc into a different page.
have you ever given it a try?
Possibly my problem was not script related but "new phone" related. I've just recently moved to iPhone and since a recent patch update I had not had the Google Fit app left open. Having left the app open over night the script appears to have logged my step count and distance as normal this morning. The update from my last post still stands. Companies like to keep us on our toes by changing menus and terminology!
My sheet stopped pulling data from Google Fit on 21st September. I came back here to refresh my memory as I believe in the past this happened when the script needed re-signing. Google have changed things!!!!! "Script Editor" is no longer under "Tools" I believe what we need to use now is "Apps Script" under "Extensions". I've not yet got it working again but I'll update as/if/when I do. This blog post is a fantastic little community of it's own :D Thanks for starting and maintaining this Rob.
Just to update, I got this working.
In the Oauth I did not get an option to select the application type (web application) until after I had configured the consent screen. Ignore what I said about scopes - you don't need to select those at all.
Great resource, thanks. Actually unbelievable that Google doesn't provide this as part of the Google Fit app
Like Alex, I also cannot get past the Oauth part in the cloud console
I've selected the scopes I think I need (auth/, auth/, auth/ but there is nowhere to add a redirect URL and it doesn't have a client ID or client secret.
It also will not let me publish it without submitting for verification. As I'm the only person who will use it, that seems overkill.
Any idea where to go from here?
Alex - it's Credentials now rather then Keys. I've updated the step. If that's not helping please be a little more specific about where you're stuck.
Hi Robert, thanks for your guide, but I am having trouble at the google API console. Has it perhaps changed since you made the guide? Because when i try to create an OAuth Client ID the information is different to what you are saying, and I am not familiar enough with google APIs in order to see what I should do. Please let me know
Does anybody know how to prevent the authorization from expiring?
With "Publishing Status" set to "Testing" in the GCP console, the credentials expire after 7 days. If I publish the app and the status becomes "In Production" (without going though any verification steps), the credentials expire within a few hours.
The 7-day expiry seems to be expected behavior (see "How to add authentication to a Google apps script without it expiring?" on stackoverflow) but I haven't found a way around it without having to go through Google's verification process.
Here's my code for fetching sleep data. Make sure you add the appropriate scope (, and then trigger getSleepData().
// Populate sleep data
function getSleepData() {
const numDaysToGet = 10;
const tabName = 'GFitImportSleep';
const timezone = 'America/Los_Angeles';
getDailySleepData(numDaysToGet, 0, tabName, timezone);
// Format string number of milliseconds using provided timezone and format string
function toDate(millis, tz, format) {
var d = new Date(parseInt(millis));
return Utilities.formatDate(d, tz, format);
Load sleep sessions and overwrite the given tab with the data.
First line of output is a description, second line is headers.
function getDailySleepData(fromDaysAgo, toDaysAgo, tabName, timezone) {
let start = new Date();
start.setDate(start.getDate() - fromDaysAgo);
let end = new Date();
end.setDate(end.getDate() - toDaysAgo);
const url = `${start.toISOString()}&endTime=${end.toISOString()}&activityType=72`;
const fitService = getFitService();
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + fitService.getAccessToken()
'method' : 'GET',
const json = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
let ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let sheet = ss.getSheetByName(tabName);
sheet.clear({ formatOnly: false, contentsOnly: true });
sheet.appendRow(["This sheet is generated via Apps Script using the GFit API. Use the 'Google Fit' menu to regenerate manually. If seeing authorization errors, click 'Reset Settings' and then 'Authorize' in that menu."])
sheet.appendRow(["startTimeMillis", "start time", "endTimeMillis", "end time", "end date", "duration (h)", "data"]);
for(var s = 0; s < json.session.length; s++) {
const session = json.session[s];
const duration_m = (session.endTimeMillis - session.startTimeMillis)/(1000 * 60 * 60);
toDate(session.startTimeMillis, timezone, 'h:mm:ss a MM/dd/yy z'),
toDate(session.endTimeMillis, timezone, 'h:mm:ss a MM/dd/yy z'),
toDate(session.endTimeMillis, timezone, 'MM/dd/yy'),
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