Leafhopper Nymph

Updated on Sunday, May 9, 2021

Leafhopper Nymph

I spotted this odd looking bug in my porch a few weeks ago. It looks like a wingless fly with a hairy tail that wouldn't look out of place on a fly sized horse.

My Google-fu failed me so I turned to JustAnswer. Random insect identification isn't your typical veterinary question but Rebeccavet came through for me via a taxonomist in Kenya and told me it's a Leafhopper (Cicadellidae) nymph. Given this information Google Images confirmed that this seems like the most likely possibility.

(Full disclosure - I work at JustAnswer.)

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Leafhopper Nymph #photo #leafhopper #cicadellidae Photo of a Leafhopper Nymph, looks like a wingless fly with a hairy tail. )