Convert BlogML comments to WXR for Disqus

By Robert Ellison. Updated on Thursday, November 12, 2015.

I’ve just moved ITHCWY comments over to Disqus. BlogEngine.NET now supports Disqus out of the box, but doesn’t export comments to anything that Disqus is willing to eat. I’ve knocked up a quick converter that takes a full BlogML export from BlogEngine.NET (and at least in theory any other source of BlogML) and converts the comments to WXR. You can import the WXR file under the Generic option in Disqus.

The tool is a Windows console application that takes two parameters, the BlogML import file and the WXR output, i.e.:

BlogMLtoDisqus.exe C:\BlogML.xml C:\ForDisqus.wxr

It isn’t fancy and there is no error checking so it will either work or die horribly. If the latter, leave a comment and I’ll try to fix it for you.

Download BlogMLtoDisqus.exe. You’ll need to install .NET 4.0 as well if you don’t already have it.

Updated 2011-04-22: Added an optional third parameter that specifies the XML namespace for BlogML in case you need to override the default.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Convert BlogML comments to WXR for Disqus #code #c# #blogml #wxr #disqus A command line tool to convert BlogML comments to WXR (i.e. for Disqus). )


Olivier Dahan
The file is no more existing... download link is dead, can you point where is the exe ? thanks !
Robert Ellison
I don't recommend this any more -- see

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