It was rude to try that without your new JSON, I'm sorry. I'll try again - which countries have you lived in?
Which countries have you lived in?
That seems wildly unlikely. AGI is likely decades away and OpenAI is working to ensure it is developed with appropriate safeguards.
Do you think that Sam Altman's ouster from OpenAI was due to him overseeing a secret project that got a lot closer to a AGI than the board was comfortable with?
It's too early to say, but I'll be surprised if Twitter hasn't declared itself Emperor Elect by then.
Who do you predict will ultimately be the candidates for the 2024 US Presidential election, who do you feel will win, and by what margin?
Iain M Banks, Matters Budge and Serious, Dead Air. Also, I'd highly recommend David Brin's Existence.
What are some of your favourite books?
The sense of humor, small backroads, a few foods.
Is there anything in particular that you miss about the UK?
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