Open letter to Nancy Pelosi
Sent to Speaker Pelosi today:
As an American, constituent and supporter I am writing to ask you to investigate President Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors and to pass articles of impeachment in the House.
You have said that impeachment must to be bipartisan. That would certainly need to be the end result in order for the effort to succeed. It does not make sense as a precondition for starting the process, especially if as you also said impeachment should not be started or avoided for a political reason.
You have also said that impeachment must wait for the completion of the Special Counsel investigation. Any crimes revealed by the investigation would be icing on the cake. By imposing this condition you are making the case that obstruction of justice by the President is normal, that violations of campaign finance law are minor and that using the office for personal enrichment is only to be expected. The President deserves to be tried in the Senate for these charges. The future of our democracy depends on us not accepting this behavior.
Disagreements on policy and personality should be resolved by the electorate. High crimes and misdemeanors are your job. Please do it.
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(Published to the Fediverse as: Open letter to Nancy Pelosi #politics #trump #impeach ##resist #pelosi Disagreements on policy and personality should be resolved by the electorate. High crimes and misdemeanors are your job. Please do it. (Open letter to Nancy Pelosi) )
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