Humpback Whales in the Strait of Georgia

A humpback whale thrashes its tail

SONY DSC-RX10M4 220mm f4.0 1/640s ISO100

Three humpback whales swimming together

SONY DSC-RX10M4 178mm f4.0 1/800s ISO100

A humpback whale blows

SONY DSC-RX10M4 220mm f4.0 1/640s ISO100

The hump of a humpback whale

SONY DSC-RX10M4 220mm f4.0 1/640s ISO100

Humpback whale fin

SONY DSC-RX10M4 220mm f4.0 1/800s ISO100

Photos of three humpback whales in the Strait of Georgia, near Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada.

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(Published to the Fediverse as: Humpback Whales in the Strait of Georgia #photo #whales #humpback Photos of three whales near Vancouver, British Columbia )

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