Firefly Petunia
SONY ILCE-7C 20mm f1.8 15.0s ISO800
SONY ILCE-7C 20mm f1.8 1/1s ISO800
I bought the first commercially available bioluminescent plant on a whim. The Firefly Petunia from glows thanks to fungal DNA. The plant that arrived was badly damaged from shipping and for a few weeks just looked like it was going to die. But over the last week it rallied and bloomed. It's really quite impressive. Hopefully it doesn't grow up to be a triffid.
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(Published to the Fediverse as: Firefly Petunia #photo #petunia #bioluminescence #fungi #luciferin Photos of a Firefly Petunia which has bioluminescence thanks to fungal DNA. )
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