Golden Gate Fog Prediction

This page predicts if fog will pass through the Golden Gate in California in the next 2-3 hours. It uses GOES-West CONUS - Band 2, a high resolution visible cloud band, and a machine learning model to make the prediction.

Golden Gate GOES-West CONUS - Band 2 at Saturday July 27, 2024 00:57

At Saturday July 27, 2024 00:57 there is a 0.00% chance of fog passing through the Golden Gate between 02:57 and 03:57.

This prediction is very specific. The goal is to know when fog is likely to flow through the Golden Gate for photographers to realize that it might be worth heading to the Golden Gate Bridge to capture this phenomenon.

The chart below shows the past week of predictions:


For full details see Predicting when fog will flow through the Golden Gate using ML.NET.