Coronavirus Hikes: March 2020

Coronavirus Hikes: March 2020

Coronavirus Hikes: March 2020

Not getting far from home any time soon so all hikes for now will be local. I found a great web app, Routeshuffle, that will generate a random hike from the starting location of your choice. It's a great way of seeing streets you'd never venture down normally. The map is generated with some software I wrote to combine multiple KML files for easy rendering in Google Earth (oh, and Google Earth, I guess that does the heavy lifting). I'll post these every month while we're locked down. March is 15.6 miles total.

Hike starts at: 37.800778, -122.455943. View in Google Earth.

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(Hike Map)

(Published to the Fediverse as: Coronavirus Hikes: March 2020 #hike #coronavirus #sanfrancisco #map Pandemic lockdown hikes around San Francisco from March 2020 )


Hike Profile

2.93 miles, 744 feet total elevation gain (estimated from GPS track).


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