Canadian Water
SONY DSC-RX10M4 9mm f2.4 1/6,400s ISO100
SONY DSC-RX10M4 9mm f2.4 1/6,400s ISO100
SONY DSC-RX10M4 9mm f16.0 1/100s ISO100
SONY DSC-RX10M4 12mm f16.0 1/40s ISO100
SONY DSC-RX10M4 65mm f16.0 1/640s ISO100
Photos of Sunwapta and Athabasca Falls in Jasper National Park (Alberta), and Overlander, Nairn and Brandywine Falls in British Columbia.
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(Published to the Fediverse as: Canadian Water #photo #waterfall Photos of Sunwapta, Athbasca, Overlander, Nairn and Brandywine Falls in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada. )
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